Thursday, October 31, 2019

Research Methodological Approaches Applied In Academic Journal Essay

Research Methodological Approaches Applied In Academic Journal Articles - Essay Example This paper illustrates that researchers of all levels wrestle with the problem of developing an appropriate methodology for their studies. A research methodology is not the only critical component of academic development but a robust research practice that gives direction to every research done in any given field of study. To be certain, it is indeed a critical aspect of social sciences, more specifically in business and management that requires specific approaches in order to achieve implementable target objectives. This essay endeavors to analyze and compare the main research methodological approaches, which include quantitative, qualitative and multiple methods, applied in academic journal articles. First, these approaches are going to be discussed with regards to their underlying philosophies and paradigms, explaining their relationship between theory and research in terms of deductive and inductive approaches, focusing on research design and data collection. Secondly, the resear ch will analyze the application of quantitative and qualitative research approaches in academic journal articles, illustrating their main strengths and weaknesses of each approach. Finally, the essay will summarize by pointing out the finding of the entire research undertaken. An important feature of any academic research in itself, mapping out the literature involves articulate analysis of previous studies, subsequently using the same as a basis of pointing the knowledge gap in the given fields of study. Broadly, a literature search is but ‘a systemic process that aims at identifying and collating the existing body of knowledge on a particular topic’. The aim of a literature review, as Lings and Lee indicate, is to show acquaintance with existing work in the given field and provide insights into the work under study. Among other things, an effective literature review critically analyses the materials under study, synthesizes them with respect to relevance, into providi ng the reader with the useful insights.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Preparing to Conduct Business Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Preparing to Conduct Business Research - Essay Example Identity theft as Sennewald & Christman (2008) assert, occurs when an individual uses another individual’s information or personal details as his/her own in order to engage in fraudulent activities or other crimes. The growth of identity theft affects the retail world immensely. The issue of retail identity theft can be solved through an exploratory research. The application of both qualitative and quantitative research designs would ascertain a highly credible, precise, and accurate research. The designs will explore the topic from different points of reference through the application of different methods. The application of a single research design, whether the qualitative research design or the quantitative design would lead to inefficiency in the determination of the seriousness of the issue, and the probable solution. On the one hand, using the quantitative research design will lead to a high degree accuracy in the quantification of retail identity theft. The research method will make it possible to collect measurable data, which through numerical comparisons, will be analysed and presented through easy to interpret methods. In addition, the application of the quantitative method will be of great importance in reporting the collected data since it appl ies standard statistical analyses, which are comprehensible and understandable (McLeod, 2008). On the other hand, the incorporation of the qualitative method during the conduction of the research will enhance the effectiveness of the study through the improvement of the accuracy of the results. The qualitative research design will focus on the identification of the motives, the driving forces, and the triggers of the behaviour. In addition, the design will enhance the credibility of the research through the incorporation of a participant observation techniques, interviews with victims of identity theft, and reformed identity thieves among other methods. Through these methods, the research will possibly

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Android-based English Grammar Checker with Voice Recognition

Android-based English Grammar Checker with Voice Recognition ABSTRACT In this paper, the Researchers describe an Android-based Voice Recognition system that acts as a grammar checker specifically geared to the needs of non-native speakers who are willing to learn and be familiarized with English language. This paper also examines how wrong usage of grammar can affect the communication of people both orally and in writing. Most commercial grammar checkers on the market today are meant to be used by native speakers of a language who have good intuitions about their own language competence. These tools were made to help native speakers who were not fluent in other language, thus making their outputs grammatically correct. However, these errors vary from one another, the reason why different grammar checkers are designed for different specific needs. The grammar checking component uses island processing rather than a full parse. This approach is both rapid and appropriate when a text contains many errors. In this research, it aims to develop a complete voi ce-based English grammar checker application that will help non-native speakers that want to learn and to speak English fluently. The focus of this paper is the grammar checking component. This approach is both useful and more efficient, since it directly corrects the grammar by translating the voice into text. The system also used Internet Search Engines that will provide examples of how the content of the voice into text segment can be expressed in a grammatically correct and idiomatic way. This application can help people having a hard time in expressing themselves using the English Language. KEYWORDS Voice Recognition, Grammar Checker, Android, Natural Language Processing, Mobile, Application, Vocabulary, Grammar INTRODUCTION One of the common reasons of miscommunication is due to wrong choice of words, resulting to poor grammar. Poor grammar later results of miscommunication or worse, someone with bad grammar was often insulted or shamed by people. To avoid these, word-processing systems are developed at the present time already include grammar checkers that are used to locate different grammatical errors in a text. These tools were made to help native speakers who were not fluent in another language, thus making their outputs grammatically correct. It is also intended to help its researchers to write texts in English, which is not their language. Although their command of the language is generally acceptable, most of them do not feel confident about their correctness and the expressiveness of their writing. However, these errors vary from one another, the reason why different grammar checkers are designed for different specific needs. Internet provides a boundless number of documents in English so the main function of the checker is the use of an Internet search engine that detects the text segments that are not found on any web pages. But most of these tools were aimed to help native speakers to check their English grammar, but what about Filipino and other citizens who are not fluent in speaking in English Language? How can one point out his or her grammar mistakes when they are trying to write a paper in our language? We designed an Android application for grammar-checking in English Language by using voice recognition. This android application aims to help the users that wants to learn English Language fluently and at the same time, it can help to improve their English vocabulary and grammar. The system will require the user to record a voice message. After the recording, the system will translate the message into text. There will be two buttons, the record again and go. If the text output is wrong, the user should press the record again button and if the text output is correct, the user can proceed. The system will now check the grammar. For example, the user recorded â€Å"Matt like Fish†. The text output was correct, so the user pressed go. The system will now process the grammar checking and after a few seconds, the system will give the corrected result via text output which is â€Å"Matt likes Fish.† In order to find out the common errors usually done by users, we conducted a survey among potential users around the New Era University, specifically some Filipino students who are a bit struggling when it comes to speaking English fluently. We ranked the results by percentage so that we know what we should be focusing on. A total of 30 respondents participated in the survey. DESCRIPTION OF THE COMPONENTS Internet search engine Grammar Checker Internet Search engine The checker used the Wordnet 3.0 engine, a lexical database for the English Language. It arranges English words into sets of synonyms called synsets. The engines used to find the search results for a text segment are Google and Yahoo. Grammar Checker Part of a system that verify written text for grammatical correctness. The implementation of a grammar checker makes use of Natural Language Processing. Once the grammar checker has been active, the text which is based on the voice recorded by the user will undergo a number of stages. It is separated into sentences and words. The individual words are then looked up in the internet. It includes all the words that occur in the system with all its possible usage. METHODOLOGY The table shows the results of the survey. With this table, we are now informed about the common mistakes that the potential users might commit. This table will help us to distinguish and to focus more on the most common error to help the users more efficiently. The common error that had the highest percentage is the improper structure of English sentences. Next is the improper use of verbs. Third is an improper classification of Noun. Fourth is the improper combinations of certain words, fifth is incorrect use of Adjectives and lastly, is improper use of Adverbs. This application will help the users construct English sentences which are grammatically correct. In this way, the users will learn their mistakes and at the same time, learn how to speak and write in English fluently. The following table gives the percentages of errors found in the surveys conducted. Table 1. Error Percentage SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE Figure 1 Grammar Checker Architecture Figure 1 shows the architecture of the system. It shows the flow of the system and how the system works and also how to gain and give a possible output of the application. Figure 1.2 Voice Recognition In this picture, it shows the stress of the user’s recorded voice and translates it into text. The system will recognize the voice and checks its grammar in the process. After that, the user will now find out his/her mistakes and the system will provide the correct grammar. METHODOLOGY RELATED WORKS Automatic voice recognition has a long history speech processing. Automatic speech recognitioncan bedefinedas the independent, computer-driven transcription of spoken language into readable text in real time (Stuckless, 1994). There is a lot of research has been done for Android applications including Speech Analysis and Natural Language Processing. Voice Recognition today is still improving as additional uses for the technology are developed. The applied voice analysis to conclude activities happened around a user. Voice Recognition Technology can set up to depend on tools known as grammar models that help minimize the data required to recognize the signals. DESIGN AND ALGORITHM ANALYSIS The eCheck: An Android-based English Grammar Checker Using Voice Recognition is designed to guide and help not only Filipino citizens, but also other people that want to learn English fluently and at the same time, improve their English vocabulary and grammar skills. SYSTEM OVERVIEW As stated in this study, the Researchers applied the same basic principles as they have adopted before, however, the Researchers considered a chart to show the flow of the system and to show how our application work. The Researchers also tried to measure the connection of each sentence in the message of the set of categories in our study. Once the grammar checker has been activated, the text which is based on the voice recorded by the user will undergo a number of stages. It is separated into sentences and words. The individual words are then looked up in the dictionary (see Burnage 1990). It includes all the words that occur in the system with all its possible usage. There are some words that are the same, but has a different meaning. In this sense our dictionary is not a simplified type. It is vast but simply a shorter version. CONCLUSION / RECOMMENDATIONS The capability and reliability of the Voice Recognition technology have been ever-growing. With more attention and implementation into the world’s most common operating devices, this technology will continue to develop. The Overall evaluation of this application is very helpful, especially to the Filipino citizens. This application can generate data that can give answers to their grammar and speaking concerns, With the advancement of technology, doing a grammar check and spelling is easier than you think. It no longer requires hitting the books and having lots of thesauruses or dictionaries at hand. The Researchers recommend this application for non-native speakers having a hard time in expressing themselves using the English Language.This application can be used for the business and transactions that requires them to speak in English. Because this application can help them to learn more about the English Language by just speaking and by knowing the grammar proper and the right pronunciation of it. There are many features of English that make it fun and interesting to learn. The Researchers also recommend this application to Everyone who wants to learn the proper grammar in English, for them to improve, to gain more knowledge and to fully develop their speaking and also grammar concerns in their own language. By using this application, they are just like having a tutor and a grammar book. The Researchers also recommend that if this study continues to improve, it is needed to be developed and implemented because these tools were made to help native speakers who were not fluent in English language and to discover more about it.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Fate and Pessimism in Far from the Madding Crowd Essay -- Madding

Fate and Pessimism in Far from the Madding Crowd      Ã‚  Ã‚   Fate plays a major role in many of Hardy's novels; both Tess of the D'Urbervilles and The Mayor of Casterbridge contain various instances where its effects are readily apparent. Moreover, Hardy's novels reflect a pessimistic view where fate, or chance, is responsible for a character's ruin. Far from the Madding Crowd is one of his earliest fiction; here, although it is much more subdued, fate and pessimism are still visible. It is shown throughout the book; Bathsheba Everdene sends a valentine to Farmer Boldwood as the result of her divination by Bible-and-key, Fanny Robin arrives at the wrong church for her wedding with Sergeant Troy, and a wave sweeps Troy out to sea so that he is assumed dead, only for him to return and be shot by Boldwood. Two of the characters, Troy and Fanny, along with her stillborn child, is left dead, and Boldwood is sent to confinement, labeled as being insane.    Nonetheless, fate and pessimism are much more subdued in Crowd than Hardy's later, grimmer works; whereas Tess is put to death, Bathsheba marries Gabriel Oak, the most obvious choice out of the three suitors. Indeed, Crowd is the happiest of Hardy's major novels. As for the more unfortunate characters, it can be said that they were not without fault, especially Troy. In short, Hardy has written a novel with a happy ending, where the protagonists are rewarded and the antagonists are punished.    At least, it would seem so. However, one must wonder if the "punishments" are truly just. And what about Fanny? It would be impossible to mark her as an antagonist. She is young and naà ¯ve, and her fate is unavoidable from the moment she falls in love with Tr... ...was possible. This optimism, balanced with traces of Hardy's early pessimism, makes Far from the Madding Crowd not a failed tragedy but "a significant novel in its own right-a kind of golden mean among the major works" (Carpenter 81).    Works Cited:    Beegel, Susan. "Male Sexuality in Far from the Madding Crowd." Thomas Hardy. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. 207-226.    Carpenter, Richard. Thomas Hardy. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1964.    Flynn, Paul. "Sergeant Troy: A `Wicked Soldier Hero' in the Victorian Military." Hardy Miscellany 2 (September 16, 1998). May 12, 2000    Guerard, Albert J. "The Woman of the Novels." Hardy. Ed. Albert J. Guerard. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1963.    Hardy, Thomas. Far from the Madding Crowd. New York: New American Library, Inc., 1960.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Chloe’s Story

Which serous membrane in Chloe’s abdomen most likely contains the greatest adipose tissue? The peritoneum is the largest serous membrane of the body which contains the greater omentum, the largest peritoneal fold. The greater omentum normally contains a considerable amount of adipose tissue. The adipose tissue content can greatly expand with weight gain, giving rise to a characteristic â€Å"beer belly† seen in some individuals. B. What involuntary muscle process initiated by deglutition of water may cause Chloe pain?Swallowing is the involuntary contraction of pharyngeal muscles which sets peristalsis begins with coordinated contractions and relaxation of muscles in the esophagus and into the stomach, where she just had surgery. C. Why might reduction of the size of Chloe’s stomach reduce her acid reflux? The stomach empties quicker, due to the bypass of the duodenum where the most, if not all the churning takes place with digestive enzymes that could force the sphincter to emit the reflux. D. How will protein digestion be affected by Chloe’s surgery?The proteins would be flushed out of the body quicker than usual with the high vulnerability of malabsorption. Normally, pepsin begins the enzymatic digestion of the ingested proteins; they linger in the stomach longer than most of the ingested food with the end result of gastric protein digestion is a chyme of mostly polypeptides and some free amino acids to be absorbed in to the body. Pancreatic Protease digests protein in the basic environment of the small intestine. E. Which pancreatic enzymes would Chloe need to breakdown the fats in her nutritional drink?Lipase works with bile excreted from the liver breaking down fat molecules. F. Why might Chloe be at risk for gallstones (crystallized cholesterol which can block the flow of bile from the gallbladder)? A change in diet, no longer consuming high fatty and high cholesterol laden foods. Rapid weight loss. The gall bladder aid in the digestion and absorption of fats in the duodenum which is no longer being used. G. Would absorption of nutrients be substantially altered in the small intestine following Chloe’s gastric bypass surgery? Why or why not?Yes, absorption is greatly affected following the gastric bypass surgery. The time the food stays in the body is severely limited, along with the additional malabsorption of important vitamins and nutrients will change. H. Why is vitamin B12 deficiency a serious concern? Vitamin B12 deficiency impairs the body’s ability to make blood, accelerates blood cell destruction, and damages the nervous system resulting in possible irreversibility. I. With which complications should Chloe be concerned following the surgery? Not to overeat; ingesting too much food could overly stretch damaging the reduced stomach.J. Why is monitoring nutrition so important to Chloe now? The digestion has been permanently altered; digestion and absorption of nutrients have been comp romised. Vitamin supplements must be taken to aid with the body maintaining homeostasis. K. Chloe went on a liquid diet immediately following her surgery. Based on what you have learned about nutrition in this chapter, which substances would you include in a liquid diet? My diet would include essential vitamins and minerals including all four food groups. There are many amino acids that cannot replicate other than the body produces them.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Compliance with Nursing Homes Regulations Essay

Determine how compliance with the regulations and development of risk-management and quality-management systems for each type of organization contribute to the organization’s overall performance-management system. Nursing homes contribute to their overall performance management systems by making sure that management offer an opportunity to set goals, while clarifying expectations, always being able to reinforce a job well done, initiate change, and foster a healthy working relationship between supervisor and employee which is most important because that will affect the work performance of staff and the quality of the care that is being provided. ( Julie Ditzler â€Å"Developing an effective system for performance appraisal†. Drug Manufacturers contribute to their organizations performance management systems by applying the competency process of Control, Optimize, Reduce, and Extend ,better known as the CORE process. This stands for Control – You can leverage contract templates and extensive term and clause libraries with process-specific authoring and approval cycles that eliminate non-standard terms and prevent rogue contracts from cutting into an organization’s revenue. Optimize – Analytical tools and template-based authoring are just some of the tools that help you create an advanced workflow to drive the best possible deals for you, your partners, and your share holders. Reduce – You can reduce use of non-standard terms and conditions, and thus shorten time-to-contract and increase your margins, using a clause-level, multi-conditional approval hierarchy built into the authoring process. Extend – You can expand the way your organization uses contract-based risk profiles by identifying and aggregating contract-specific language that normally would be locked in a file cabinet. (†¦) ââ€" ª In mental clinics and hospitals the management teams in quality, development, and risk support their organization’s contribution to performance management systems by Treat people fairly and respectfully regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation or preference, sex, or age. ââ€" ª Regard, recognize and value differences in the needs and views of others. ââ€" ª Take advantage of the rich backgrounds and diverse talents of their staff. ââ€" ª Consider and honor different opinions, styles and ways of working. ( All hospitals want to be on top in regards to quality of care and revenue and although getting to the top is a hard job it is even a tougher job to stay there once you reached the top. The performance management systems in hospitals allows management to identify areas for improvements, plan systematic performance improvements initiative, while setting targets and tracking metrics continuously.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The International and Internal essays

The International and Internal essays The International and Internal dynamics of Core-Periphery Relationships in Honduras and their Impact on the Human and Physical Landscape The historical and contemporary dynamics of Honduras core-periphery relationships both internationally and internally have had a significant impact in shaping the human and physical landscape. The topography of Honduras, limited arable land and natural resources has been a significant factor in its history and subsequent underdevelopment. The lack of development contributed to a weak state leaving Honduras particularly vulnerable to foreign exploitation and concentration of the limited arable land in the hands of both foreign owned, and elite landholders. This situation has left little land for the majority of Honduras? population, which in turn has played a role in a high level of internal rural to rural migration to marginal lands and concentration of people in these areas. The geographical representation of core-periphery relationships were fostered and reinforced through international core-periphery relationships. The internal dynamics have led to permanently altering the H onduran landscape through environmental degradation primarily deforestation. In order to tread the various variables together associated with the core-periphery relationships and the contemporary physical and human landscape this paper will focus on the historical and contemporary international core-periphery relationship between Honduras and the United States. It will then look at contemporary conflict between marginalized farmers and large landowners, which defines the internal core-periphery dynamics, specifically focusing on the Atlantic regions of Northern Honduras. This area proves to be amenable for looking at the interrelationships between land use patterns, internal migration, the farming of marginal areas and the environmental degradation associated with all three. Part One: Historical Roots, Colonizatio...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Violation of U.S. Soldiers in South Korea essays

Violation of U.S. Soldiers in South Korea essays Last week, media reports announced that the Chinese army is facing a new problem. They are not being defeated by a foreign invasion or struggling against advanced military weapons. The army of the world's largest nation is becoming weak from too much studying. China's People's Liberation Army recently made up a new physical exam to test new recruits. Xinhua news agency reported that out of 20 young college graduates, only 3 passed the physical check-up. Most of the other students failed because of poor eyesight or health problems due to weight. All over the country, there are reports of growing rates of obesity in young people. Near-sightedness is also more common than ever before. Why the sudden rise in unhealthy young people? It's mostly because of too much time spent studying. Starting from elementary school up until college, Chinese students study all day and night. They don't have time for physical exercise. Does this sound familiar? Yes, Korean students seem to be following the same sad trend. Ten ~ fifteen years ago it was not common to see very overweight girls and boys in Korea. Now, anywhere you go, you notice kids struggling with weight problems. It's not hard to see what the problem is. Kids are sitting at desks all day. They eat junk food late at night just to stay awake. There isn't enough space or time to play outside. So, when they're not stressing and studying, teens entertain themselves with their computers. This not only results in unhealthy bodies, but poor eyesight. Sometimes it seems like more kids in the nation wear eyeglasses than not. For boys that must later do military service, being out-of-shape can often be traumatic. It is extremely difficult to suddenly go through hard exercise and training, if all you've ever done is eat, study, and sleep. The world is working on finding a balance between nations to avoid war. Korean leaders are trying to maintain independent political strength, while keeping friendly...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Case Study on Fault Tree Analysis

The Fault tree analysis is an analysis of deductive failure through which a system which is undesired is analyzed through the Boolean logic by combining a series of lower-level events. The analysis method of such is being used in the fields of protection engineering and dependability engineering for understanding the ways through which a system can fail, identifying and recognizing the best probable ways for reducing risks (Dunscombe, 2015). The FTA is generally being used in nuclear power, pharmaceutical and aerospace and industries which are generally hazardous. It is a process through which a skill is being broken into smaller steps for teaching a skill. As the small steps gets mastered, the learner becomes more self-governing in her ability for performing the larger skill The Fault Tree Analysis as depicted in the article is easy to understand. This method can also be defined as a backward method which can be used in thinking about the consequences which may take place (Jonas et al ., 2016). It has been a useful method and has been used over the years in industries which are having social and environmental problems and estimation of frequency failure (Doytchev & Szwillus, 2009). This method has the capability of handling the multiple failures or even the combination of failures. FTA has the ability to accommodate human error in analysis as compared to FMECA. FMECA will only take into account the components possible failure without taking into account the external environment playing a vital role in risk analysis. However, human error can be very random, which is not possible to predict and nearly impossible to in assigning a concrete value of such an error. FTA has the ability to calculate Mean Time to failures or Mean Time between failures. Information of such can be found as failure rates for basic events. Moreover task analysis has been beneficial in breaking down complex task structures and offering credentials for the mental and physical demands of the employees. The nature of data which has a bit of uncertainty can only be attained through conditions that are experimented strongly. Moreover, FTA is not concerned about the effect of failure and only aims to focus on events that could ease the failure. Moreover, FTA is often seen as a cover for human error but gets forgotten amidst the analysis. Activities involving human contribution of an operation should be considered as a treat that has the capability of triggering failure (Kabir et al., 2016). It can take into account the things that can trigger a failure but not the failure effect. Moreover, with task analysis it can only be conducted after the completion of fault tree analysis. Complication only gets increased in case of task analysis with the increase in the number of respondents and data that is being collected. A study of determining the failure of occurrence through FTA in the crushing and mixing of bed hall department at the province of Iran. The analyst assumed ‘failure in factory’ as the main event. There were 6 branches comprising of crushing, mine, raw mill, cement mill and burning and packing house departments. The focus is only on the crushing n admixing bed hall department. A fault tree analysis depicts that the crushing and mid mixing bed hall department is being divided into crusher system and mixing ball system and conveyor belt system. Several sub systems have also being identified. All this sub systems are connected to top event with gate logics 1, 2 and 3. And in the last stage the basic events are being taken into account by codifying circle symbols at last levels. Fig1. Fault Tree Analysis of crushing and mid mixing bed hall department Dunscombe, P. (2015). TU-AB-BRD-03: Fault tree analysis.  Medical Physics,  42(6), 3585 Jonas, J. A., Devon, E. P., Ronan, J. C., Ng, S. C., Owusu-McKenzie, J. Y., Strausbaugh, J. T., . . . Hart, J. K. (2016). Determining preventability of pediatric readmissions using fault tree analysis: Readmission analysis using fault tree.  Journal of Hospital Medicine,  11(5), 329-335. doi:10.1002/jhm.2555 Kabir, S., Walker, M., Papadopoulos, Y., Rà ¼de, E., & Securius, P. (2016). Fuzzy temporal fault tree analysis of dynamic systems.  International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,  77, 20-37. doi:10.1016/j.ijar.2016.05.006 Doytchev, D. E., & Szwillus, G. (2009). Combining task analysis and fault tree analysis for accident and incident analysis: A case study from bulgaria.  Accident Analysis and Prevention,  41(6), 1172-1179. doi:10.1016/j.aap.2008.07.014

Friday, October 18, 2019

Diversity in the workplace in Singapore. 'Surface-level diversity' and Essay

Diversity in the workplace in Singapore. 'Surface-level diversity' and 'Deep-level diversity' - Essay Example Diversity is used as an umbrella term to represent the dissimilarity of the individuals that make a team on the basis of their individualistic characteristics (Jackson, 1992). Surface-level diversity has been referred to as visible (Pelled, 1996) and demographic (Williams and O’Reilly, 1998) and is conventionally understood as inclusive of such variables as gender, ethnic origin and age (Harrison et al., 2002; Lawrence, 1997; Tsui et al., 1995). Denying demographic attributes is cumbersome, though people may find several ways to categorize themselves. Deep-level diversity, on the other hand, reflects a disparity of characteristics that are not apparently noticeable. Such characteristics include but are not limited to viewpoint, ideology, extremism and connectedness. Managers need to have a fair understanding of both in order to deal with the frequently arising problems in the contemporary workplace. With the rapid expansion of economies over the last twenty years, diversity and inclusion have become factors of extreme significance in many Asian countries including Philippines, Hong Kong and Singapore. Increased workforce diversity in these countries can fundamentally be attributed to the fact that more women enjoy management positions in organizations in these countries as compared to the trend in US or Europe. According to 20-First (n.d.), Singapore’s share of women senior managers is the maximum among all Asian nations. In their research, Dimovski, Skerlavaj, and Man (2010) examined if growth of women managers in the organizations of Singapore are restrained by a glass ceiling. The term â€Å"glass ceiling† is a â€Å"well enshrined phenomenon supported by conclusive evidence† (Simpson and Atlman, 2003). Dimovski, Skerlavaj, and Man (2010) studied the perceptions of female mid-level managers in Singapore regarding whether or not they have to deal with a gl ass ceiling in the workplace with respect to corporate climate, corporate culture and the general practices. Dimovski, Skerlavaj, and Man (2010) concluded that the promotion of female managers in the Singapore organizations is inhibited. Female mid-level managers expressed lack of development opportunities including initiatives that are family-friendly, mentoring and networking. 32.5 per cent of the respondents said they had encountered the invisible women syndrome in the workplace and 37.5 per cent women managers said that the judgment of their work performance was unfair. 35 per cent respondents of these respondents said that the organization in which they worked valued diversity and had a corporate climate. Women expressed dissatisfaction for the organizational practices and culture in place and rendered them generally unsupportive for them. Despite this, when so many women express dissatisfaction towards the work environment, it means much needs to be done in order to address th e concerns of surface-level diversity and deep-level diversity. A lot of women managers in Singapore are still caught in the issues of sexual harassment and intellectual underestimation. Surface-level diversity is visualized as a potential threat by many local workers of Singapore because of the managers’ biased behavior in favor of the foreign workers in general and the Chinese workers in particular. Singapore has

Business Law - Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Law - - Term Paper Example The basic premise of this Act is to maintain good competition in the business life of the corporates. Competition Act aims at regulating the competition and defeating the acts by people who have tried to thwart competition in their respective jurisdictions. It has aimed at attempting to draw a line in anti-competitive activities. The Act has been designed in order to pave a way for the extinguishment of anti-competitive activities. The Act had been at the centre of curbing anti-competitive practices which have been performed by the companies who have been trading on in the business circle. â€Å"Legislation enacted by the federal and various state governments to regulate trade and commerce by preventing unlawful restraints, price-fixing, and monopolies; to promote competition; and to encourage the production of quality goods and services at the lowest prices, with the primary goal of safeguarding public welfare by ensuring that consumer demands will be met by the manufacture and sale of goods at reasonable prices.† The new Act defines a ‘dominant position’ ; what constitutes an abuse of such a dominant position and how are they interrelated. As mentioned in the Competition Act, being of the nature of a dominant enterprise does not constitute to an anti-competitive practice, but the fact when such dominant undertakings misuses their power in the competition to restrict it or to have a negative impact on it amounts to an anti-competitive practice which is prohibited in the Indian competition laws. In the case of N. V. Netherlands Banden Industrie Michelin v. Commission of the European Communities , the question arose to the court as to whether or not an enterprise which is dominant in nature leads to the violation of competition laws prevalent in the EU. It was held that â€Å"an undertaking having a dominant position is not a recrimination but simply means that irrespective of the reasons for which it has such a dominant position,

Film Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Film Analysis - Essay Example Because the lives of the men in the town are entertwined with the town itself, in that if the town is bustling and healthy, then the men in town are engaged, working and supporting their families, and when the jobs were shipped overseas, the men in the town suffered. The fates were one and same – as the town died, so did men have more problems finding a job, and these men were less masculine and less well-off then they would have been had the steel factories stayed in business. The men in this film, therefore, all live pretty hopeless lives. They are only trained, for the most part, for the steel mills. The exception to this is Gerald, who is the only white collar man in the group. Nonetheless, Gerald’s fate is also tied in with the fate of the town and of the steel industry, in that Gerald was a plant manager. Masculinity, Class and the Town of Sheffield The masculinity of the men in this movie is threatened, simply because they do not have a way of making a living for their families. The lead character, Gaz, is threatened because he has a young son, and he cannot afford to pay child support, therefore his ex refuses visitation between himself and his son. Dave, who is Gaz’ best friend, is threatened because he, too, has problems supporting himself and his wife, because he is out of a job as well. Lomper is threatened because he apparently cannot afford to leave home, and he apparently had no mates before he met Dave and Gaz. Because of this, he attempts suicide, but Dave saves him. Gerald perhaps has the most to lose, outside of Gaz, because he lives an upper class life in a tony suburb, complete with gnomes. His house is so luxurious that he has his own tanning bed, and his lifestyle is such that his wife talks about the two of them going skiing. However, because he has been out of work for the past six months, while lying to his wife (he told his wife that he was going to work everyday, when, in actuality, he was going to job club every day, looking for work). This impacts the men’s masculinity, because they cannot support themselves and their family. According to Djundjung and Irawan (2003), the fact that the men are not working impacts their masculinity and their identity, simply because so much of a man’s masculinity and identity is centered around what they do for a living. In essence, society does not have a role for these men. Thus, the men have issues with their own sense of self-worth. Dave feels that it is inevitable that his wife would cheat on him, as he has nothing to offer her, in his view. Gerald actually does lose his wife, not because he is out of work and everything they own is repossessed, but because he was so ashamed of his situation that he could not come clean with her. Gaz, despite having an outwardly cheerful, even cocky, persona, really is insecure and afraid that he is a failure as a dad. While these men are stripped of their masculinity, because they are stripped of their jo bs and their roles in society, the film also portrays a relationship that is more literal with the stripping of masculinity. This relationship is between Guy, the handsome, well-endowed man who auditions for the troupe, and Lomper. They have an attraction, and, the film intimates, a relationship with one another. The irony of this is that neither of these characters are explicitly shown to have their masculinity threatened. Not much is known about

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Pirates and Pointing Fingers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pirates and Pointing Fingers - Essay Example nto territorial waters were however drafted within the 20th century and must therefore be appreciated as good steps towards containing the global threat of maritime piracy. Back in 2007, Russia rose to become a pace setter in issues of maritime policy when it planted its flag within the Arctic ocean while expressing discontentment and discord in the manner maritime security has been handled over years especially within the high seas. Dodds (2011 63-73) critically analyzes the working of CCLS (Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf) as well as the various strategies that have been undertaken by coastal states towards the OCS (outer continental shelf). The study appreciated the efforts embraced by such states as Russia, Canada and Norway as well as member states to European Union on matters of controlling the maritime activity as favored by their geographic proximity to the high seas. As a discipline, political has risen to command great influence in the modern day studies as a discipline in the contemporary human society especially after the 20th century. Modernism and postmodernism have been distinctive disciplines with diversity of opinions especially in regard to human cultural diversity and the supremacy. Unlike the modernism principle that esteems ‘self’ even in matters pertaining to global effect, the postmodernism is much focused on pluralism and is much skeptical towards fundamental laws as well as the unchanging relations between individuals. Blacksell (2006, 169-171) shows that the oceans have been an integral part in human geography especially from the fact that the oceans occupy about 70% of the earth. Accordingly, he notes that even after human civilization, the better part of 20th century remained devoid of any form of control or political regulation on the oceans despite being greatly esteemed as a mode of transport. This lack of regu latory frameworks exposed sailors to greater risks from the terror groups and pirates who would not

Nursing Competencies Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Nursing Competencies - Thesis Example s focused on the discussion of some of these competencies as offered by tree organizations, namely: American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), Quality, Safety Education for Nursing (QSEN), and the National League for Nursing (NLN). The challenges in the industry will also be discussed alongside a personal reflection of the author on the relevance of these competencies to his personal career. Nursing is a critical profession in the United States and, as has been dictated by the increasing healthcare needs, advancements in it are paramount. Advancements in the profession are of equal importance, all in an effort to empower nurses and help in meeting the rising healthcare needs across the country. As such, there are many stakeholders and public agencies that focus on the achievement of this goal by providing the skills that nurses need throughout their academic and professional lives. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), Quality, Safety Education for Nursing (QSEN), and the National League for Nursing (NLN) are primary contributors in this. These three associations have made unique efforts in trying to equip nurses with specific competencies at the Masters level. In addition to these competencies, this paper will discuss some of the factors in the nursing profession and the health care system that make the achievement of these skills necessary, based on evidence from current literature. From a personal and reflective point of view, this paper will also discuss how these skills and competencies related to my career trajectory and describe the steps I am willing to take in an effort to achieve the knowledge and skills necessary during my graduate studies as I seek to master each of these competencies. The AACN has outlined a number of competencies that it is willing to equip nurses with in an effort to enhance their skills. Of the many competencies that it defines under Adult- Gerontology Acute Care NP Competencies, one of the most

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Economics (Asian Development) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Economics (Asian Development) - Essay Example The planning mind set is in turn linked to previously discredited theories. Such as that poverty is due to a poverty trap which can only be alleviated by a large inflow of aid from rich country to poor countries. The aid inflow is of course administered by this same planning apparatus. This is a bad news for worlds poor as historically poverty has been ended by central planners. It is only ended by searches both economical and political who explore solution by trial and error. Have a way to get feedback on the ones that work and then expand all of these in an unplanned spontaneous way. Examples of searches are firms in private market and democratically Of course there are hard questions about directions of casualty and exactly which attributes of political and economic freedom are most crucial for development. However to deal with the 1st problem. Since researchers know a little bit about the determinants of bad govt studies can explore whether bad govt causes poverty. The research is less successful at identifying which aspect of bad govt matters such as democracy versus corruption vs. economic freedom. Different dimensions of good govt tend to come together in packages, so it is hard to tell which is causing economic development. This last issue is much harder to resolve but the correlation are at least supportive of strong theoretical priors that democratic and market accountability go with economic success not to mention the vast historical and case study literature that supports this conclusion. The variance of outcome is much higher at low levels of political and economic freedom than at high levels. For countries with nearly complete freedom all of them are rich within a narrow range. For countries with intermediate level of freedom there is a vast range of development outcomes. A few years ago what most people had in mind when they thought of India was land of tigers, the land of taj mahal and a land of

Nursing Competencies Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Nursing Competencies - Thesis Example s focused on the discussion of some of these competencies as offered by tree organizations, namely: American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), Quality, Safety Education for Nursing (QSEN), and the National League for Nursing (NLN). The challenges in the industry will also be discussed alongside a personal reflection of the author on the relevance of these competencies to his personal career. Nursing is a critical profession in the United States and, as has been dictated by the increasing healthcare needs, advancements in it are paramount. Advancements in the profession are of equal importance, all in an effort to empower nurses and help in meeting the rising healthcare needs across the country. As such, there are many stakeholders and public agencies that focus on the achievement of this goal by providing the skills that nurses need throughout their academic and professional lives. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), Quality, Safety Education for Nursing (QSEN), and the National League for Nursing (NLN) are primary contributors in this. These three associations have made unique efforts in trying to equip nurses with specific competencies at the Masters level. In addition to these competencies, this paper will discuss some of the factors in the nursing profession and the health care system that make the achievement of these skills necessary, based on evidence from current literature. From a personal and reflective point of view, this paper will also discuss how these skills and competencies related to my career trajectory and describe the steps I am willing to take in an effort to achieve the knowledge and skills necessary during my graduate studies as I seek to master each of these competencies. The AACN has outlined a number of competencies that it is willing to equip nurses with in an effort to enhance their skills. Of the many competencies that it defines under Adult- Gerontology Acute Care NP Competencies, one of the most

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Henry VIIIs Foreign Policy 1509-1524 Essay Example for Free

Henry VIIIs Foreign Policy 1509-1524 Essay How far do Sources 1, 2 and 3 suggest that Henry VIIIs Foreign Policy in the years 1509-1524 followed consistent aims? Source 1 agrees that Henrys did follow consistent aims and Henry VIII had one goal target in his foreign policy whilst sources 2 and 3 especially, argues that Henry but could not agree one goal to pursue involving foreign policy. Source 1 in particular claims that Henry poured much dedication and time into ensuring that England went to war against France. The king writes letters to the pope, the emperor and the Venetians declaring his steadfast intention and strong provision to wage war against France suggesting that Henry VIIIs main goal was to attack France as he repeats his exact intentions to three separate individuals. This is reiterated in source 2 as Henry VIII is described to be accompanied by 500 horsemen and 3000 foot soldiers during the Field of Cloth of Gold showing aggression and building tension between the two rivals suggesting that King Henry was keen in causing tension so that it will lead to waging a war against France. We can see King Henry strongly suggesting that he consistently wanted to defeat the French as he writes to the Venetians to try and disband the newly formed league between Venetia and France. As the Milanese ambassador is writing at the time these letters had been sent he carries alot of weight with Source 1 as it clearly states the purpose of the letters and they lead to one clear goal which is to invade France. Source 3 shows Cromwell trying to persuade Henry to go against his plans to take over France but to redirect his attentions to Scotland. Cromwell suggesting that Henry converts first and chief his whole intent and purpose suggests that Henry was so determine to wage war against France he did not think about other issues to do with his Foreign Policy and Cromwell needed to remind him of budding problems. However Source 3 also suggests that Henry was lenient in his decisions about foreign policies as, even though Cromwell at this time is trying to work his way into the inner council and was desperate to gain the attentions of the King, felt the King was not so desperate in going against France that he was able to suggest the King redirects his attention to Scotland whilst still pleasing the King and trying to achieve honour. Source 2 also suggests that the King was not so rivalled with France as a contemporary account shows that Henry pitched his marquee near where the French king had been staying, although this could be seen as showing off and is multifaceted it can also be seen as Henry trying to break down the existing barriers to focus on the celebration of the Field of the Cloth of Gold. Overall, there is enough agreement in all three sources to suggest that Henry VIIIs foreign policy in the years 1509-1524 followed consistent aims. This is a view most strongly and optimistically supported by source 1, slightly confirmed by the accounts described in source 2 but largely denied by source 3.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Child Abandonment: Causes and Responses

Child Abandonment: Causes and Responses While many people consider babies as their blessing from the God, but there are others still consider them as burden and a shame. The abandoned babys cases are become more serious in our country. Besides that, the situation has reached a worrying state where babies are abandoned in the most unbelievable manner by their mothers in rivers, rubbish dumps, doorstep, bas stop and even mosques. Some newborns make it and some die while others are killed before being dumped. Whether we admit it or not, nowadays many women lose their virginity a very young age. This is because human relationship are began to deteriorate. Teenagers lack of family care or attention from their families may cause them out look for spiritual comfort. It will cause them far away from their families and started affect by their soul mate. The rise in teenage pregnancies is becoming a disturbing trend. From January to April this year, 111 such cases were reported to the Welfare Department, compared with 131 cases last year and 107 cases in 2008.According to MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong, the statistics provided by the Welfare Department may only be the tip of the iceberg. Such incidents are a sign of deterioration in moral values and, if not addressed urgently, will lead to the destruction of societys moral fabric. Everyone must be held responsible for this the parents, youth and teenagers, the authorities and society. The National Registration Department registered some 257,000 births between 2000 and July 2008 without the names of parents, which translated into 2,500 babies born out of wedlock monthly or 84 cases daily. We cannot allow teenagers and others to kill innocent babies born out of wedlock. But we also cannot allow babies to be born out of wedlock without people taking responsibility for their actions. Young people get pregnant because of having the unprotected sex. Besides that, they did not fully realize what the true meaning of sex and pregnancy is. A girl may get pregnant not just because of you touch her hand or you kiss her face but it is because a in depth kind of relationship. Due to lack of knowledge about this relevant topic may cause many young people did not aware about the seriousness of this problem. If they are knowledgeable and educated, they can at least avoid the most unpleasant consequences. Besides that, apart from that many career women living in cities oblige their boyfriends request when they are asked to watch pornographic VCD and then engage in sexual activities out of wedlock. When the girl gets pregnant, the boyfriend will do a vanishing act to absolve himself of all responsibilities. The unfortunate girl is left alone with the baby. The fear of their secrets being discovered by their families makes them resort to the unthinkable and so that may cause them just abandoned the newborn. When the mother abandon the newborn is consider as murder. Government should seriously look upon this issue rather than just concentrate on other issues such as corruption, cronyism, nepotism or wasteful expenditure. We need to nip this problem in the bud in order to prevent the problem getting worse and until it out of control. Plenty of effort we can done in many aspect to stop this problem spread. Besides of parent, government and society also should be responsible upon this issue. On the other hands, religious and belief also play an important role on this problem. If the young people are a devout believer, at least they may think twice before they want to engage in sexual activities. Government should enforce the law to stop the mother from abandoning the baby. Example government can fine the mother who had abandoned their baby. For more serious, the government can also put the mother into prison or ask them to do public service as a punishment. To make this more effective, the head of police should allocate more police to patrol at night. Other than this, government can fixed some camera at the place or lane that is no people pass by and also the place where people normally abandon their baby. By doing this, it will help the government in taking action on the mother who abandoned their baby because when the mother abandon their baby, the camera may capture the whole process or one of the police may saw it during patrol, then the mother will be get arrested. Other than this, the government should also set a higher age limit for a person to have sex with someone. For example, as we know in Malaysia the age limit for a person to have sex is 16 years old and now the government should increase the age limit to 21 years old. On the other hand government should also increase the penalty for the people who have sex with a person when they are still under age and also increase the penalty for the people who have sex with a person who is under age, so that they will think twice when they want to do so. By doing this, it can help in solving the issues of abandon baby because as we know normally the mother who abandon her baby is the mother which is not mature enough and under age. So, if our government increases the age limit of having sex and also the penalty, it will cause people not dare to have a sexual relationship with someone who is under age and what will happen is the number of people having baby when they are not mature enough will decre ase and it will definitely reduce the problem of abandon baby. Besides that, government should have a baby hatch system. This baby hatch system had implemented in several country such as Pakistan, Germany, and Japan. Baby Hatch is actually a place where the parent can left their child there anonymously. In order to implement this system, government should provide several small spaces for a person to put the baby in the provided locations. The small space must have a door, a soft bed, and a sensor on the bed so that it will alert the staffs to let them know there is a baby inside the small space. Basically the whole idea of baby hatch is trying to rescue the abandoned baby. If the government does not have this kind of system the parent will just abandon their baby at the road side or anywhere else and the baby will be very pity. So, if our government has this kind of system, the parents can donate their baby to the government, so that the government can help to take care of the babies and help the baby to find a suitable family. This is better th an abandon the baby beside the road. Having a baby hatch system may help to reduce the number of abandoned babies dramatically and the rate of infant mortality will decrease because the government is taking good care of the baby and the baby will not die because of hungry, sick or any other reason. Nowadays, the curiosity of teenagers or even though young adult about the sex is gradually increased due to the drama or the movie they watched. The number of teenage pregnancies also on the rise. So, the sex education is necessary to implement in school, colleges, universities to enhancing their knowledge, attitude and behaviour about sex and the consequences of having sex before marriage. A student who doing well in school is very promising, however, it does not mean that he or she will be a responsible adult in future. Therefore, sex education is important now to get children and teenagers to learn the proper social skill especially sex in order to let them know the responsibility when they choose to have sexual relationship but not to teach them how to do. Sex education is the process of acquiring information about sex, sexual identity and sexual relationship. Beside that, sex education also can help teenagers to protect themselves against abuse or unintended pregnancies, prevent unsafe abortion or abandoned babies and the transmission of the infection. The purpose of sex education is to reduce the risk of negative outcomes from sexual behaviour such as unwanted or unplanned pregnancies. Besides that, sex education is also to provide accurate information about the risk of having sexual relationship before marriage, information about birth control and the contraception. Sex education also finds out what the teenagers already know and correcting any incorrect information that they may have. Through the sex education, it can increase the knowledge of teenagers about sexuality. Teenagers who had received the sex education will have lower risk of intended pregnancy and less likely to having sex relationship at early age. In addition, sex education programme can also promote the safer sex practise. Safer sex practise is the practise that the people take precaution when having sex relationship to protect themselves against the transmission of HIV and AIDS. Safer sex can reduce the risk of getting the HIV or AIDS when having the sex relationship. Safer sex practise can get through by using condom when having sex relationship with partner. By using condom can reduce the risk to get the HIV and AIDS, unintended pregnancy. This can reduce the number of abortion and abandoned babies issues. Beginning the sex education at an early age is very important. By giving some basic information about sex to children such as how was a people grow and change over time, how a baby came from. For those teenagers, teacher can give more complex information on sex such as the transmission of HIV and AIDS, the consequences of having sexual relationship before marriage. However, sex education at early age does not mean that encourages teenagers to have sex but is to let teenagers to store up information provided for a time when they need it in the future. Sex education not only can get through school but also can take place through various people. Different people have the different responsibility to provide sex education to teenagers and children. As a parents, they can face-to-face discuss with their children on specific issues or question on sex. Besides that, parents should educate their children about self-respect, moral values and self-protection. Some parents (In Asia) are reluctant to talk about sex issues to their children due to shy or do not know how to begin the topic about sex. Parents should not avoid this subject if not their children may relying on incorrect information they get and it will put them on risk of unwanted sex, unintended pregnancies. Therefore, the discussion between parents and their children is important because the discussion, the parents may know more what their childrens thinking is. The good communication between parents and their children about sexual matter can lead to their children have more awa reness to the seriousness of having sex before marriage. Besides that, teachers also have the responsibility to provide sex education to teenagers. The teachers who are going to provide sex education must be well trained so the teachers will not feel shy to provide the sex education. Beside that, a well trained teacher can provide more accurate information about sex matter to teenagers. Teacher should also educate students the danger of premarital sex and the consequences of premarital sex. Cases of child abandonment usually results from unwanted pregnancies. In most cases, it involves teenage girls who became pregnant outside wedlock and are compelled to commit the act in desperation and fear of the consequences. So what are the main reasons for abortion? Many women and teens worry about their future plans. Some women and teens do not feel they can afford a child. Deciding what to do about an unplanned pregnancy can be difficult. Furthermore, even having a family member at hand does not provide an environment that encourages a pregnant teen to openly seek help. Shame, fear of blame from parents or health staff and the presence of traditional religious and conservative norms make it difficult. There for, a family member must accompany teens seeking counselling. This is because they need someone who can support them, because their condition is very unstable. As the parent of a pregnant teen, you may be feeling many of the same emotions as your daughter such as shock, anger, fear or uncertainty. Maybe your teen was scared to tell you about her pregnancy, or maybe she came to you right away. In either case, your child will need to learn on you for support as she makes decisions that will affect the rest of her life. Parents may play a very important role in a pregnant teens decision. Pregnant teens often need the support and help of their closest family and friends as well. Besides, the pregnant teens can go for an option counselor. An option counselor can help both women and girls with this decision. They will not make the decision or try to convince you to choose a particular course of action. Rather, they help all women decide for themselves. They will find a best way to help you to solve the problems and helps you to learn better social skills. As a role of schools, it is possible to implement programs to assist pregnant teenagers during and after their pregnancies ant this is specifically for only pregnant teens and young mothers. It can provide child care, parenting courses and a high school curriculum to make it as easy as possible for the students to attend school. On the other hand, with support from state and private sources, the government can implement some prevention campaign like adolescent Pregnancy Program and health care program to those pregnant teens. The program is to give teenage parents and their children access to health care. The program links with community-based services for teenaged parents and provides much-needed immunizations, parenting education and physical checkups for parents and their children. Furthermore, Media can be the way to pregnant teens to seek for the information. There are many websites, forums and online communities are available on the Internet. These sites are places where pregnant teens can go to learn more about their condition and to talk to others in a similar situation. Some are designed to offer support and to provide information to pregnant teens.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

School Vouchers are Good :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

School Vouchers are Good Wise men say you cannot predict Supreme Court decisions based on questions raised during oral argument, but the justices' go-round on the school voucher question may prove an exception to that rule - as this essay will demonstrate. Lead counsel for each side respectively provided a textbook example of how to argue, and how not to argue, before the High Court. The justices see their share of both types but rarely in the same case. Judith French, assistant attorney general of Ohio, defended the Cleveland program brilliantly. She was poised, calm, deliberative, and engaging. She listened to questions from the bench and fitted her responses within the doctrinal parameters of prevailing case law. Her chief opponent, Robert Chanin, counsel for the National Education Association, at one point or another frustrated or annoyed almost every member of the Court, including those whose support was essential to his cause. He was by turns rigid, hectoring, and evasive, sometimes cutting justices off in mid-question(WCBS). On the merits, his argument was a one-trick pony: Vouchers are but a backdoor transfer of government funds to religious institutions in violation of the Establishment Clause. Doctrinal secularism of this sort warms the blood at ACLU and teachers' union rallies, but it will not bear scrutiny in serious debate. Under the Cleveland program, the state does not distinguish between eligible religious and secular schools and has no control over where the money ends up. Parents and parents alone -- decide which school their children will attend. Chanin's argument might have secured some purchase with the Court 30 years ago, but no longer. The dominant constitutional tests of recent years speak in terms of government neutrality and non-endorsement. The Cleveland program was neutral, French said, because it gave no preference to religious schools, and endorsement was not at issue because tax dollars can get to a recipient institution only after the independent, intervening decision of parents. Chanin's only response was to assert without demonstration that the carefully drawn criteria of the Cleveland plan were sham. But no matter how often he said so, it was strikingly apparent that most of the justices (even those presumably sympathetic to his side) weren't buying his formulaic mantra. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor repeatedly tried to move Chanin beyond ritual incantation toward the specific facts at issue, but he rebuffed the invitation(Supreme Court). By refusing to concede even the slightest constitutional plausibility to the opposing argument, he essentially implied that much of the Court's First Amendment jurisprudence of the past 20 years was wrongly decided.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Comparing Two Types of Nokia Cell Phones :: Compare Contrast Comparison Essays

Comparing Two Types of Nokia Cell Phones Today, the cell phone has become a common device in the U.S. Almost all people in the U.S. use cell phones. By using these phones, people can be reached everywhere they go. Because of the development of technology, now there are many kinds of cell phones from different brands. Every cell phone company offers their products from the cheapest to the most expensive one with their advantages and disadvantages. So now, people can choose from many types of cell phones. In this paper, I will compare two different types of cell phone from Nokia. I decided to choose Nokia cell phones because I personally like this brand. It offers many types of cell phones, so we can have many choices when buying a cell phone. I chose Nokia 6600 and 6820 for comparisons because they both are the new products from Nokia. Like the pictures above show, Nokia 6600 and 6820 have different appearance. Nokia 6600 has a fat and short shape. Its buttons are arranged in a horizontal manner. Nokia 6820 has a thin and long shape. Its buttons are arranged in vertical manner. They have some differences in the specification. Nokia 6600 has 4.30 ounces weight and 4.28 inches long x 2.29 inches wide x 0.93 inch thick. It has a large color display with 176 X 208 pixel resolution, up to 65,536 colors. In addition, it has internal antenna and vibrating alert and 5-way joystick navigation. It applies the Symbian Operating System 7.0s, Series 60 platform. It uses extended Li-Ion Battery 850 mAh with digital talk time up to 4 hours and digital standby up to 8 days. For the service, Nokia 6600 has service for GSM/GPRS/HSCSD 900/1800/1900 MHz. Nokia 6820 has 3.5 ounces weight, 4.69 inches long x 2.17 inches wide x 0.91 inch thick. It has a high-resolution color display: 128 x 128 pixels, up to 4,096 colors. It also has 5-way joystick for easy navigation, internal antenna and vibrating alert. It uses extended Li-Ion Battery 850 mAh with digital talk time up to 3 hours and digital standby up to 12 days. It has service for GSM 850/1800/1900 MHz or GSM 900/1800/19 00 MHz. They also have different features. In the voice feature, Nokia 6600 has voice dialing and commands, integrated handsfree speakerphone for convenient communication, record and send memos, conversations, and sound clips3, record memos and conversations for up to 90 seconds.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Gandhi And Nehru

‘Papua' and ‘Coach': Builders of Modern India During the last two thousand five hundred years and more of Indian's history, two individual combinations made tremendous impact both on Indian's civilization and polity. The first duo was that of Cattily and his trusted disciple Contractual Marry who together laid the foundation of the first great historical empire of ancient India. The other duo was that of Mahatma Gandhi and Charlatan Nehru who were instrumental in laying the base of a modern Indian state and giving shape to ideas in the realm of education, culture and democracy. Gandhi founded the Straight Ashram after turning from South Africa and successfully employed the principles of Straight in uniting the peasants of Qaeda and Champaign against the government. After this victory Gandhi was bestowed the title of Papua and Mahatma and his fame spread far and wide. Charlatan Nehru was not only the first Prime Minister of India, but in that opacity, was also a major worl d figure during the mid-twentieth century.Like many national leaders who first lead, or play a major role in leading, their nation to independence, Nehru was widely loved and respected and ended up not only serving as the nation's deader for many years but also shaped much of the nation's political life. Practically every official act of such a leader is a first and often becomes a precedent that his successors follow. 2 His great love for roses as well as children is a well-known fact. In fact he often compared the two, saying that children were like the buds in a garden.They should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they were the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. He felt that children are the real strength of a country and the very foundation of society. Most importantly he did not discriminate between he sexes and believed in giving equal opportunities to girls and boys. Quite naturally, he was the ‘beloved' of all the children who gave him the endearin g name of ‘Coach Nehru'. Mahatma Gandhi and Charlatan Nehru are internationally well-known personalities, who had been venerated and respected by the intelligentsia. 10th of them were born in the nineteenth century and passed away in the twentieth century. The Mahatma was the leader and Nehru was the most devoted disciple of the Mahatma. Both of them were giants in their respective fields of the work. The Mahatma was assassinated and Nehru died. Both of them lived the biblical figure, three score and ten. The Mahatma was the father of the nation. Nehru was the builder of the nation. 3 Nehru first time met Mahatma Gandhi in 1916 and admired his role in South Africa.When Gandhi started Straight in 1 919 against Reluctant, Nehru for the first time came into contact with the peasants (kinas) and this contact with the peasants influenced his later thought. He wrote, â€Å"Looking at them (kinas) and their misery and overflowing gratitude, was filled with shame and sorrow-shame at my own easy-going and comfortable life and our pretty politics of the city which moored this vast multitude of semi-naked sons and daughters of India. A new picture of India seemed to rise before me, naked, starving, crushed and utterly miserable. This experience with peasants indicated to Nehru the degree to which the nationalist movement coincided with Sandhog's rise to prominence in the congress and this strengthened Nehru consciousness of peasant India. Nehru played a significant role in the Non-Cooperation Movement launched in 1 921 , under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. A basic question could be put here: what was the influence of Gandhi upon Nehru during this period? Sandhog's stress on the religious and spiritual side of his movement was somewhat incomprehensible to Nehru.Nehru with his modern, scientific and rational approach to life simply did not speak the same language as Gandhi (1921). Nehru wrote: â€Å"but we felt that we knew him quite well enough to realize that he was a great and unique man and a glorious leader, and having put our faith in him, we gave him an almost blank cheese, for the time being at least. † For Nehru, the moral and ethical side of Sandhog's Straight had greater appeal. Nehru did not accept non-violence as an absolute creed but he became convinced that against the background of Indian's traditions, it was the right policy to follow.Sandhog's continuous insistence on the necessity of worthy means being used to attain worthy ends deeply influenced Nehru. Sandhog's abhorrence of machinery and modern civilization had no effect on Nehru, except to convince him and others that such ideas would have to be firmly dealt with when independence was attained. 4 Gandhi and Nehru were completely different people as regards their social status, age, way of thinking and individuality. There were always deep ideological differences between them. In their attitude on life, Nehru and Gandhi differed from each other.Nehru was absolu tely secular and scientific whereas Gandhi was out and out a man of religion. For Gandhi, religion and morality constituted the whole of life. They are inseparable. He laid great stress on truth and nonviolence and expected the Congress to be instrumental for the moral regeneration of the country. Nehru attached much importance to moral values but not so much to religion. For Nehru, religion was a woman's affair. He wanted the Congress to play role effectively in the political and economic sphere. Gandhi formulated the principle of trusteeship for the rich and the propertied class.He was of the opinion that as the rich did not require all their wealth for the satisfaction of their personal needs, they should utilize the surplus wealth for the benefit of the society at large. Nehru, though allows important place to private sector, he consider the Seminary system as a semifinal system which was out of date and a great hindrance to production and general progress. Gandhi described self -reliance as one of the essential ingredients of the individual's character. Charlatan Nehru made self-reliance the pivot around which the entire program of community development revolved. Both Gandhi and Nehru were cosmopolitans.They stood for internationalism. Gandhi did not want India to remain isolated from the rest of the world. Charlatan rejoiced on the freedom struggle of the subject countries. Both Gandhi and Nehru were humanists. Both of them gave greater importance to human qualities than to political expediency. The guru as well as his sashay stood for the toiling humanity. Their hearts bled for the poor and down trodden. There are many reasons as to why Nehru was drawn towards Gandhi. Nehru recognized the heroism and spirit of defiance of Gandhi. He also found that Sandhog's unique adhering and political action brought important results to the country.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

How Personal Can Ethics Get Essay

Discuss how personal differences and preferences can impact organizational ethics. Organizational ethics are ethics of an organization. According to (Butts & Rich, 2008) The ethics of an organization refers to an organization attempt to define its missions and values, recognize values that could cause tension, seek best solutions to these tensions, and manage the operations to maintain its values. In dealing with people from all walks of life and different morals it can easily put up a bridge, between ones values and beliefs. After all we are who we are according to the â€Å"Stages of Moral Development† developed by Lawrence Kohlberg who is best known in the field of psychology of ethical decision making and behavior. One’s own personal beliefs and principles can impact their work environment if they are trustworthy, exemplifies a positive attitude, work well with people (internal and external in the work environment), dependable, and etc. This type of person is someone who would be considered to have a great impact in an organization, because of the values and beliefs they display in the work place. Meanwhile a person, who is seen as rude, has a negative attitude (towards people in and outside of the work environment), lacks integrity, and lazy (always doing something upper-handed to get by), the chances of that person being the downfall of an organization is 80/20, due to the fact this person is someone who doesn’t value others well-being, because of the negative morals they learned. A person’s professional ethics are just an expansion of their learned individual ethics. Personal differences and preferences impact organizations all the time, which is why it is so important ethics, play a key role so that unethical behavior doesn’t go unnoticed. Discuss how organizational policies and procedures can impact ethics. Organizational policies and procedures can have both a positive and negative impact with regards to ethics. An organization may have a positive impact if policies and procedures are based on good business ethics.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

ndividual Assignment Ethics Reflection Paper Essay

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Resources: Ethics Awareness Inventory and Ethical Choices in the Workplace assessments Use the Ethics Awareness Inventory and Ethical Choices in the Workplace assessments to revisityour personal and professional values. Write a paper of no more than 1,050-words in which you do the following: †¢ Explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan,considering stakeholder needs. †¢ Explain how your ethical perspective has evolved throughout the program. Format your paper according to APA standards. General Questions – General General Questions Take the Ethics Awareness Inventory and Ethical Choices in the Workplace assessments to assess your values. Write a paper between 600 to 700 words in which you do the following: Explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan, considering stakeholder needs. Explain how your ethical perspective has evolved throughout the program. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. If you can’t settle on a major in your first year, then take a couple core classes for any major you are considering. You’ll learn about each field thoroughly this way. When you are ready to choose, you’ll have the credits you need for that major, plus the minors as well. This file of STR 581 Week 1 Individual Assignment Ethics Reflection Paper comprises: Business Ethics and Social Responsibility Resources: Ethics Awareness Inventory and Ethical Choices in the Workplace assessments Use the Ethics Awareness Inventory and Ethical Choices in the Workplace a†¦ Follow the link to get tutorial – If you can’t settle on a major in your first year, then take a couple core classes for any major you are considering. You’ll learn about each field thoroughly this way. When you are ready to choose, you’ll have the credits you need for that major, plus the minors as well. General Questions – General General Questions Take the Ethics Awareness Inventory and Ethical Choices in the Workplace assessments to assess your values. Write a paper between 600 to 700 words in which you do the following: Explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a strategic plan, considering stakeholder needs. Explain how your ethical perspective has evolved throughout the program. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Soviet Avant-Garde and Socialist Realism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Soviet Avant-Garde and Socialist Realism - Essay Example This essay discusses that man with a Camera is a movie about its own production; it predicts the postmodern inclinations of what is nowadays meta-cinema. Vertov’s movies introduced a novel world of films to commemorate the brave universe of industrialized Soviet truth. The work concludes in Man With a Movie Camera which induces the sensory shower of the urban existence. It utilized strategies of visual comparison and associative montage so complex that they do not have names to date. There was a Whitman-esque documented-portrayal of the Soviet individuals, a self-impulsive dissertation on cinematic symbolism. It is devised to demolish habitual film watching by unveiling the ways in which the camera and movie editor create authenticity. Vertov’s masterwork had the extraordinary implication of emphasizing the spectator to recognize with the filmmaking procedure. Vertov’s ideology was that the camera was an innovation that assisted humans to investigate novel realms of the visual universe. The design that would best explore cinema’s potentialities would merge documentary as well as cinematographic ploys. These include stop-motion animatronics and intense low and high camera viewpoints. Additionally, there are speedy and often aggressive editing methodologies. A man with a Camera is not just a film; it is also a declaration, a policy, documented in celluloid. There are things and pictures in Vertov’s movies that are intended to be read. Nevertheless, marking those instants and interpreting those images might not be straightforward. Salt of the Earth was a part of surfacing females’ series. On its production, the film was in 16mm with faulty scenes and inaudible tracks. The film has forecasts in the montage series with the editing juxtaposing Ramon’s being crushed with Esperanza’s child delivery. In the last sequence, the camera and screenplay highlight the coalescence of the varying quandaries, forming a unite d class identity. Moreover, firearms in the movie serve a factual purpose and become symbols for a rudimentary machismo, and also for the influence of the ruling category. In the concluding frames, the camera visually generates the image of harmony recapitulated by Ramon’s spoken statement. The film utilizes linear features and also fails to utilize the camera and editing functions innovatively (Salt of the Earth, p.1). In the Ideology of Modernism, Lukacs dashes his critique to the bourgeois notion of modernism which has alienated man and community and offered emphasis to the structure rather than content. He utilizes three conceptions in this essay. They include Russian formalism, existentialism as well as scholars who introduce stream of consciousness method. These three presumptions have separated art from the community; they present a negative elucidation of art and the humankind. This Russian

Monday, October 7, 2019

Perceiving The Problem Of Poverty In Modern Society Essay

Perceiving The Problem Of Poverty In Modern Society - Essay Example Acceptance of poverty, however, has not been an easy fact that the people can easily accept (Stark 381). Stimulating stereotype among poor people is a factor that would increase inequality in societies. Even though people have the right to different opinions concerning poor people, the stereotype of individuals based on poverty has brought limited freedom among low-income families. People stereotype the poor based on education. The poor people have the view of being uneducated individuals (Peck 15). The society views the poor as people who were not ready to work towards achieving given goals in school. People in the society view education as the last option of eliminating poverty. This implies that there is an attachment of essentiality on education as the only way for gaining access to wealth. This leads to stereotyping among poor people in society. The biased individuals view the poor as people think that the poor people are in the circumstances due to their liking. This is an aspect of stereotyped behavior. With this respect, there has been a widened gap concerning the different class of people that base on education practices. It gives rise to the learned and unlearned in the society. Such activities have created low freedom among low-income families within the communities. For example, they do not have access to certain urban sectors where people go to stu dy due to low self-esteem and an inability to achieve the same. Additionally, there is bias in evaluating the position of the poor such as lazy in society (Rank 63). They do not recognize poverty as part of life. Some people believe that poor people are individuals who are not ready to take on opportunities that come their way.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Physiology outside report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Physiology outside report - Essay Example (Underwood, 2003, quotes Matallana, n.d.) Claps (2002) reports in his article, "Fibromyalgia: exercise can offer relief for people who live with this painful malady" that experts now know that fibromyalgia, which affects more women than men, does exist. The term fibromyalgia describes the symptoms. Fibro refers to the fibrous tissues of the body and myalgia indicates muscular pain that is widespread. It's a form of muscular rheumatism where normal pain is amplified by the brain and spinal cord which controls the central nervous system. Even a simple touch, or something that is not really considered to be pain, will reduce pain and increase mobility; hence, improving quality of life. Although it may seem painful to exercise, if performed correctly, physical fitness will break the cycle of pain and improve sleep which will decrease depression. Sleep problems and depression are two of the major fibromyalgia symptoms. The pain can cause an individual to forego exercise yet as Claps (2002) quotes Goldenburg (2002) on how physical fitness can break the pain cycle, "Pain causes muscle spasm. Spasm interferes with oxygen (flow) to the muscle.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Literature Review; Data Collection Annotated Bibliography

Literature Review; Data Collection - Annotated Bibliography Example 2011). Growth hormone syndrome triggers a decrease in the levels of thyroid stimulation hormones responsible for stimulating metabolism causing hypothermia. High’s book offers honest advice on the nature of rehabilitating patients with brain injuries. The author develops a critical evaluation of the focal cortical dysfunction on patients with traumatic brain injuries. Taking a realistic approach to the brain healing process, the chapters in High’s book have discoveries on deficiencies brought about by the growth hormone to patients suffering from mild, severe and moderate traumatic brain injuries. In the progress, High looks into the effective measures and programs to rehabilitating traumatic brain injury in patients. The author offers a critical outlook on a number of consequences caused by both elevated and dropped levels of growth hormone to the healing process of patients with traumatic brain injuries. High offers sane advice for those struggling with rehabilitating traumatic brain injuries, but his main project seems to be offering the reader a reality check regarding rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury using gr owth hormone replacement. This text is indispensable because of its honest viewpoint and encouraging approach to patients rehabilitating brain injuries. The authors develop a theoretical analysis of the epidemiology and severity of traumatic brain injuries. The authors introduce the GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale) that is used to analyze effects of stimuli the post traumatic consciousness. The authors conduct neuropsychiatric, functional and structural imaging assessments, that unearth neuropsychiatric behaviors related to post-traumatic behaviors of brain injury. The book develops an analysis of mood, psychotic, personality and cognitive disorders arising from treatment of traumatic brain injury. Cifu and Buschbacher’s book develops a critical analysis into the neuropsychology, rehabilitation and

Friday, October 4, 2019

Learning and teaching assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Learning and teaching assessment - Essay Example It is obvious that for such a sensitive procedure, my students have the basics of clinical studies covered. The most common way of classifying students is to use the visual, auditory and kinesthetic way, otherwise known as the VAK model (Utley, 2010). This model establishes a learner’s preferred mode for learning and processing new information. The VAK model was introduced in the 1920s by the likes of Keller, Orthon, Fernald, Stillman, Gillingham and Montessori (Dreeben-Irimia, 2010). In addition to the VAK model Gaberson and Oermann (2010) add more tools to expand the teaching strategies by including olfactory and emotionally experimental methods that help children who don’t benefit a great deal from didactic methods, learn. Although there are three main categories for students (refer to the VAK model) however, within the visual class Ryan at al. (2011) further divide the class into two subclasses; the ‘verbal visual’ and the ‘spatial visual’. The verbal visual students are those that best learn when the information is ‘written down’. The spatial visual students prefer solely the marvel of the visual; graphs, charts, diagrams etc. Such learners are generally good with faces and have good sense of direction (Hill & Howlett, 2012). Auditory students perform really well in brainstorming sessions. It is almost a ideal way to absorb, process and take part in the creative process (Spencer & Vavra, 2009). These learners can be taught better when the same idea is rephrased in several different ways (Lauwers & Swisher, 2010). The whole idea behind using the VAK model is not to isolate students based on their preferred teaching styles. It is a mere recognition that some students prefer one method over another while learning. In real practice, the VAK model is more popular with the more vulnerable exceptional learners (Zhang et al., 2012). The teacher can affirm if a student prefers

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Psychology- Prejudice Essay Example for Free

Psychology- Prejudice Essay 1. Evaluate Tajfel’s core study in terms of streotypes and weakness [10] Prejudice and Discrimination have been always controversial and it has become one of the crucial topics in the world of Social Psychology. Henry Tajfel was a British social psychology who is well known for his SIT or Social Identity Theory; ‘Intergroup Discrimination’ (1970). This theory has been useful to identify the social causes of prejudice and as well as explaining individual differences. First of all, this study is aimed to show or demonstrate that merely putting or diving people into groups could cause them to discriminate the other group. Tajfel’s procedure of the experiment involved two laboratory experiments. The subjects of the first experiment contained 64 boys, 14 and 15 year-old from a school in Bristol. The boys from each group knew each other well, since they were actually in the same houses at the school. The second experiment was similar to the first one, since 48 students also already knew each other. In terms of stereotypes and his study, Tajfel proposed that Stereotyping or putting people into groups is based on a normal cognitive; we tend to group or categories things. By the statement, he meant that we see the people in our group are just the ‘same’ with us because there are certain similarities that makes us parallel with them and there’ll be a tendency of us calling the ‘same’ people â€Å"us† and those who are different or out-group â€Å"them†. This study also has its weaknesses and strengths. One of the strengths; Laboratory experiment method, which makes him to able controlling the environment in terms of what the subjects had experienced during the test, therefore he can ensure that there are no influences that would change their behaviour later on. Manipulation of the environment also makes him able to obtain replication due to its standardness in procedures. However, since all of the participants were all male, similar age and came from the same country. In terms of experiment, this study has become biased. It is difficult to decide whether it is good enough to be generalised, due to its gender, age and geographical limitations. The ecological validity is doubtful, considering the experiments were lab studies, where we can jump to an argument that this involved unusual task is held in artificial environment. In other words, the participants acted in the way they thought was demanded of them; Demand Characteristic. This experiment deals with a disruptive and anti-social, very general commons of society in explaining and understanding the causes of prejudice and discrimination. Moreover, this piece of research could be beneficial or helpful to our daily life. Nevertheless, the applications are still limited, regard to ecological validity and the gender, race and cultures.

Employability Skills Within Health and Social Care Settings

Employability Skills Within Health and Social Care Settings Introduction. Employability. There are many career prospects in Health and Social care all across the United Kingdom. For someone to be employable in Health and social care setting, one has to be highly motivated, have skills they can transfer to the job, understanding and personal good qualities (Finley, Ivanitskaya, and Kennedy 2007). Employment is when someone is able to get a job, stay in the job and if an opportunity arises they will be in a position to develop their profession (Yorke,2004).To demonstrate that there are a lot of opportunities in Health and social care, this report is going to examine the variety of employment roles within the setting. It will also explain why it is important to have a well-structured organisation that is an organisation with hierarchy. In addition some of the hierarchy information will be described in diagrams and some will be noted down for example its responsibilities and roles .ref. Different types of professions within health and social care . According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (1987), people have the same desires and  needs which need to be satisfied. The needs are physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualisation. Depending on an individual, if one of these needs are not met or all of them one becomes preoccupied and vulnerable. For people’s needs to be met, health and social care need to be different so that it can offer cost-effective care while maintain good high quality (Smith, 2000). The needs can be met by giving direct support to individuals or by working with people in the society. Healthcare is the managementofillness by treating and preventing it. This can be achieved by trained professionals for example alliedhealthprofessions. Whereas Social Care services aid everyone who is marginalised and vulnerable due to sickness, disability, old age and poverty. However, social care consider needs and ability of the person before they provide the services (NHS, 2014) .There are many serv ices in health and social care services. They include care networks, community care networks, health maintenance organizations and accountable health plans. That means there are many places where one can get employment in health and social care. For example hospitals, medical offices and community health centres. Another service in social and health care is public health; is involved in the promoting of well-beings for individuals and societies. Because all of these services in health and social care, for effective services to be achieved there is supposed to have a variety range of professions (Martin, etal, 2010). Healthcare professions can be identified into three groups, that is independent practitioners provides range of services without the approval of the third party .Dependant practitioners provides few services under the management of an independent practitioner. Support staffs, works under the management of independent practitioners and dependant practitioners (Coles and Porter, 2009).However having said that, some of the healthcare occupations may fall under one category depending on the place of employment and duties that are attached to that job. Allied healthcare professions encompass a range of careers in all aspects of care. Some of the allied healthcare occupations are found in medical, technology, respiratory therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and dietetics. They can work in either the community or with an individual depends on the place of work and responsibilities .This extends to the needs of the individual or the community. The nursing occupation is the biggest in healthcare .Nurses can work in different healthcare settings, depending on their roles and responsibility and the place they are working. Nurses have ethical responsibility to safeguard life and to relieve suffering. The moral principles that govern their behaviour are respect of autonomy, nonmaleficence and beneficence (Schwartz,etal,) Nurses have to apply standards and guidelines set by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC,2014). Another occupation in healthcare is Dietitians.They are qualified professionals in diet. They help people to make informed choice by giving them advice on good lifestyle and food choices. To practice as a dietician one has to be registered by Health and Care Professional Council (HCPC). They also treat people with different medical problems associated with diet (BDA, 2014). Other occupations within social care area, are social workers and social care worker. Social care workers do not need qualification because their main roles is to give personal care and help the service users to manage their every day to day life However duties may vary depend on where one works. A person can work in different social care settings for instance in the community giving door to door support to the service users. They don’t have a legal board but each and every one is accountable and responsible for their actions to their employers (Brotherton and Parker, 2011).Furthermore Social workers work in different places in social care settings .They can work with different organisations like charities, independent organisations. In addition some can work for the NHS and mental health trust. They work closely with service users, their friends and families. They can also involve police, local department schools and probation services depending on the client they are dealing with. For one to be a social work qualifications are needed a degree or masters because the job involves working vulnerable people. They can work with either adults or children; this includes elderly, young offenders, people with different disabilities and homeless. Hence their role is to advocates, advice, counselling and listening. In addition the type of job they can carry depends on the area and case they are working on. They work closely with law so for one to practise in UK has to be registered withHealth and Care Professions Council(HHPC). Demonstrating research skills in researching careers. It is important to show good research skills in researching a career one wants to follow. It is important because this will make someone prepared and show their dedication towards the career progression. If one wants to be a nurse, they are supposed to be caring, and compassionate towards people. In addition commitment to helping people is also important. There are many jobs that are available in nursing and the major employer being National Health Service (NHS) .They includes clinical practice, management, education and consultation. Nursing is divided into four branches which are; mental health, adult, learning disability and children’s nursing. For someone to be a qualified nurse, one needs to have a degree in nursing. And to be a qualified nurse working for NHS one needs to be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NHS).In addition ,once one has qualified and obtained the important experiences ,they can go on and develop their skills so that they can become spe cialist in a particular field. They can become practice nurse .This can give them opportunities to work in different health and social care areas like community health centres and hospitals .If one is a nurse working for a NHS there are different Bands depending on experience and qualifications. All this information I started searching on the internet and then for in depth I searched on different NHS careers websites which are; , I also searched on and the Royal of College of nursing website. Hierarchy within health and social care. Health and social care settings are very big, so effective and quality care to be given there must be order within the organisation. An organisation has to distribute the job to people who have skills arranging them from the bottom to the top (Fisk etal,2011). It is like a ladder, a person or group at the bottom will be managed by the ones above them. The people on the top levels have power, authority and ability to enforce rules to those on the bottom levels. This arrangement is called hierarchy (Galinsky and Magee,2011).In addition, since health and social care is very big, there are some job combinations that are unlikely to go well together. Some skills needed for a particular job may be different from one another, for an example the finance department and the nursing department. Furthermore in health and social care there are big organisations with big hierarchies and small organisations with small hierarchies. For an example NHS is a well-structured and a big hierarchical organ isation whereas a care nursing home is small hierarchical organisation. This means each and every worker in that particular organisation has a significant role that is connected to their qualifications and responsibilities. Below are diagrams of two different hierachies,big and small . The big organisations have got many structures and many management systems; this enables tasks to be carried out easy with competent people. The people on the lower levels often show support for hierarchies because whenever they are stuck on anything they ask the person above them, this reduces stress and responsibilities. The advantage of Hierarchy in a big organisation is that everyone knows their job description and who is above them. However this is different from a small organisation as there are few employees. In addition, small organisations everyone has to be a generalist. The other advantage of big hierarchical organisations is that they employ many employees and everyone would be accountable for their work, however nobody takes an overview because everybody will be doing their specific job. In a small hiercchial organisation if a problem arise it can be sorted quick because there are few workers and many of them do general whereas in a big hierarchical organisation informat ion passes through many people. Decisions take so long because they have to pass through many levels. In big organisations there are limited opportunities to develop skills because one will be stuck in one job description whereas in small organisation one can develop many skills because they do not have a specific job. There is also some limitations in small hierarchical system organisations, there is few chances of improvement within the organisation. The nursing staff can only advance if there is a promotion (Steege, 2014). There are limited positions available for that. There are only two advanced nursing positions in a nursing home. These nurses are MDS nurse and the Director of Nursing. Normally people working on these positions stay in the job for quite a long time so there would not be any vacancies. Furthermore in a small organisation workload can overburden the person in charge for example nurse in charge will be responsible for working on the floor, giving medications and answering any relative’s queries. Hierarchies motivates employees to perform well because of the opportunities for promotion, however in big organisations many levels increase the costs of the organisation. The Importance Hierarchy in terms of roles and responbilties. A hierarchy is very important in health and social care organisations because it provides order and structure (Markus and Kitiyana,2003).Hierarchy includes authority and following of rules. People who are employed in hierarchal organisations are accountable for getting assigned work done; hence there is authority and power involved. The role of hierarchy is to place people with necessary skills and competence at each level and making it easy to identify accountability at each level if any error happens(Rose,Wenzel,andMiltlying,2002). People who work in hierarchical organisations have assigned roles and responsibilities according to the contract they sign between them and the employer. According to employment Rights Act (1996), the contract should contain all employments terms. This helps to put boundaries in each level of the hierarchy because it states what a person can and cannot do. The hierarchy helps to create effective communication between employees and all levels of the hiera rchy. The hierarchy also ensures that employers and other professional guidelines are followed. CONCLUSION . There are many opportunities for one to be employed in health and social care settings. There are different ranges of occupations within the settings. Most of the occupations require training and one should be registered with the right board to be able to practise. Health and social care is big hence hierarchy is important to bring structure to the organisations. D. Baird Schwartz, M.E. Posthauer, J. OSullivan Maillet Practice Paper of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Ethical and Legal Issues of Feeding and Hydration April 29, 2013 George.n root 111,demandmedia. 1