Tuesday, August 25, 2020
What Was the Involvement of Ordianry Germans in the Holocaust Essay Sample free essay sample
With explicit notices to in any event three declarations. survey the capacity of conventional Germans in the Holocaust. The customary Germans had a dubious and by and large discussed work in the Holocaust during WW2. Much exploration has been attempted by historiographers, for example, Daniel Goldhagen and Robert Galletely into the capacity the heft of common Germans played in the Holocaust. The degree to which the mass comprehended and unreservedly bolstered the Nazis in their abuse of the Jews is questionable. This mass. by and by. did non hold such a significant effect in the holocaust as the minority gatherings. which either upheld and helped the National Socialists and as such were genuine heroes of their motivation. or on the other hand were set up to help the Jews in supporting mistreatment. for example, individuals from the Catholic and Protestant Churches. There were other than standard Germans who were utilized to help the Nazis in their vanquishing as bit of all their twenties four hours occupation. for example, Hefer. a German truck driver. Antiquarians do non hold completely on the commitment of the main part of conventional Germans during the Holocaust. Daniel Goldhagen contends in his book â€Å"Hitler’s Willing Executioners†. that the majority of the German populace had full insight of the Nazis mystery plan against the Judaic individuals and were eager to participate. In any case. others, for example, Gellately differ that the German open were carefully Anti-semitic. on the other hand it is accepted they were exposed to a cagey purposeful publicity machine. Be that as it may. the request stays with regards to why they didn’t stand up en mass to the Nazi Regime. Hitler’s publicity minister Joseph Goebbles utilized his best endeavors to look for and ‘Sugar Coat’ the Holocaust and sagaciously warrant the intercession Jews were being proficient to. be that as it may. Germans in a matter of seconds discovered what was being done to the Jews. Hefer. a German Truck Driver. seen th e Jews being arranged and shooting by Ukrainian heroes of the Nazis. he states ‘As right away as a Jew set down. a Schutzpolizist joined a submachine weapon and shooting him in the dorsum of the caput. The Jews who slid into the gorge were so scared by this terrible scene that they completely lost their will’ . Occasions, for example, these no vulnerability. simple started go arounding through the German masses. It would look there are two boss grounds why the main part of the German masses did non effectively restrict the Holocaust. they were either scared of the Nazis or they bolstered the political direction in rule. Dread of the Nazis was solid all through the standard German people ; many accepting that there were Nazi covert specialists in each feature of their general public. Besides. once Hitler came to control in 1933 he made the Nazi Storm Troopers. called the SA. these work powers were utilized to police the avenues and to cover with anyone that contradicted the Nazi Regime. These work powers imparted fear into general society and constrained them into quiet when it came to dicey aspects of the Nazi guideline. These tempest cavalrymans carried on their work great into the clasp of the Holocaust. in this manner preventing numerous Germans from confronting the Nazis. for trepidatio n of their lives and the lives of their family units. Gellately contends that the feeling of frenzy and alarm was improved by ‘denunciations’ from standard Germans. in which they would portray any hesitant ‘anti-Nazi’ action to the nearby Nazi approval. On the different manus. Daniel Goldhagen contends that numerous customary Germans bolstered the counter semitic places of the Nazis and would hold happily get engaged with the holocaust whenever asked to. in this manner they were effectively on the side of what Hitler was making. The Holocaust did. in any case. have numerous political and military challengers. Some other than originated from the German populace. These individuals were a minority. what's more, they did non hold the full help of their companions and neighbors behind them. They did non have confidence in the purging of the German race and did non parcel the Anti-semitic places of the Nazis. The not many that contradicted the Nazis included individuals from the Catholic and Protestant Churches. certain people and other slackly composed gatherings. a representation these individuals is Hans and Sophie Scholl. This sibling and sister blend was bit of a peaceful resistance bunch called the White Rose. which planned for circulating awareness of Nazi power and trying to stop it. At long last they were found by the Nazis. trialed and executed in 1943. foregrounding the most extreme threat of this kind of restriction. As appeared in the transcripts and declarations. disciplines for insubordination were horrible. It peruses ‘That the blamed have in cut for war by offices of cusps required the harm of the war endeavor and combat hardware and for the oust of the National Socialist way of life of our people’ . Purposeful publicity was other than extremely viable here. ‘to the terminal that the German individuals would be denied of the National Socialist way of life and in this manner other than of their specialists. ’ . These common Germans played a capacity in looking to end the Holocaust and paid a definitive financial worth. Nearby the minority of standard Germans who effectively contradicted the Holocaust. were the Germans who upheld what the Nazis depend on and the moves that they were making against the Jews. These standard Germans were individuals who had aforesaid decided in favor of Hitler in the 1933 or 1938 decisions that happened before the holocaust. or on the other hand individuals who were influenced by the Nazis purposeful publicity procedure that they had taking up to. what's more, during WW2. Daniel Goldhagen contends in his book ‘Hitler’s Willing Executioners’ that normal Germans. whenever allowed a chance to murder a Jew. would hold done it. This announcement is generally discussed and numerous Historians concur that simply a minority of Germans would hold consented to execute the Jews and of these the most would non hold challenged did their guarantee. This minority did. all things considered. help the Nazis from multiple points of view. mostly boycotting Judaic conc ern and driving them out of German towns and from their places. An outline of this was the Kristallnacht. the annihilation of Judaic sanctuaries by the Nazis and its heroes. A German school male youngster reviews the occasions of the Kirstallnacht. ‘Walking past the sanctuary when a gathering of work powers drove by Paul Wolff. a nearby carpenter†¦ broke into a count and raged the portal of the building†¦ household items came winging through entryways and windows’ . This history exhibits how willing a few Germans were. to help the Nazis in achieving their closures. Standard Germans played a various and muddled capacity in the Holocaust. There is no vulnerability their conduct can be generally sorted by regard to Nazi waies one time the war was going full speed ahead. by and by. little however decided restriction was dynamic on numerous degrees though for the most part disordered because of exceptional assessment and trepidation. We can isolate three boss gatherings ; the first of these gatherings being the main part of Germans who didn’t go effectively associated with the holocaust even with the perception of the occasions that were taking topographic point. idle passage and congruity. The second were the normal Germans who helped the Jews in malevolence of Nazis dangers. The last gathering were the Germans who transparently and effectively bolstered the Nazi political direction and were set up to help them in their oppression of the Judaic individuals. It tends to be contended that the conventional Germans of WW2 were a populace with gr ouped positions and positions for the most part molded by purposeful publicity and dread. this at last molded their commitment in the Holocaust. Book reference/References Goldhagen. D 1997. Hitler’s Willing Executioners. Math device. London Hefer 2004. World Holocaust Forum. seen 18 February 2013 lt ; hypertext move convention:/www. worldholocaustforum. organization/eng/people/5/gt ; . US Holocaust Memorial Museum 2010. The Nazi Terror Begins. seen 16 February 2013 lt ; hypertext move convention:/www. ushmm. organization/outreach/en/article. php? ModuleId=10007673 gt ; . Inge Scholl. The White Rose: Munich. 1942-1943 ( Middletown. Conn. : Wesleyan University Press. 1983 ) . pp. 114-118 Alfons Heck. The Burden of Hitler’s Legacy. ( Frederick 1988 ) pp. 61-62 Judaic Virtual Library 2003. The Holocaust: An Introductory History. Seen 16 February 2013 lt ; hypertext move convention:/www. jewishvirtuallibrary. organization/jsource/Holocaust/history. hypertext markup language gt ; . Victor Klemperer. Ich will Zeugnis ablegen Bi zum letzen. Tagebucher 1933-1941. Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag. 1995. pp. 16-17 Gallately. R 1997. Sponsorship Der fuhrer: Consent and Coersion in Nazi Germany. Oxford University Press. London Yale University Library 2012. Holocaust Survivor Testimonies. Seen 16 February 2013 lt ; hypertext move convention:/www. library. Yale University. edu/declarations/gt ; . Yad Vashem 2013. Declarations Collection. Seen 17 February 2013. lt ;hypertext move convention:/www. yadvashem. organization/yv/en/about/visual_center/usc. asp gt ; . Bernstein. M 1996. Be the Slaughter of the Jews grasped by the Germans. NY Times. Walk 27 1996 PBS 1996. Meeting With Daniel Goldhagen. seen 15 February 2013 lt ; hypertext move convention:/www. phosphate cradle arrangement. organization/newshour/gergen/goldhagen. hypertext markup language gt ; . Ezzard. J 2001. Germans Knew of Holocaust frightfulness about perish cantonments. The Guardian. 17 February. seen 18 February 2013 lt ; hypertext move convention:/www. safeguard. co. uk/uk/2001/feb/17/johnezard gt ; . [ 1 ] . Goldhagen. D 1997. Hitler’s Willing Executioners. Math device. London Thesis [ 2 ] . Hefer 2004. World Holocaust Forum. seen 18 February 2013. [ 3 ] . US Holocaust Memorial Museum 2010.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Noise is the enemy of communication Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Commotion is the adversary of correspondence - Article Example Claude’s revelation has affected the cutting edge world since it is the premise of all correspondence that exists today. The test of clamor had was a major confinement during World War II yet he figured out how to tackle the issue by building up an all inclusive specialized strategy where all individuals could comprehend each other. During the World War II, the military used radio correspondence, which was one of the variables that made the war push to all edges of the globe. There were noteworthy progressions in Cryptography since I was important to send messages quick and keep them mystery. Planes were being utilized in the war and there was should have the option to identify them before they showed up in the skylines. Claude was structuring a system to play out this job. He was likewise resolved to gadget a methods for destroying a plane quickly it showed up (Andrew, 2012). He figured out how to make a forward leap yet it was not helpful since it was not exact. The test made him and others consider data proliferation after the war. He was torn between, radar signals, calls, TV and recordings since he needed an exact technique for correspondence. Having a recognition that commotion was not ideal for correspondence, he was centered around putting away and transmitting data that dismissed clamor. He realized that correspondence was similarly testing as arithmetic and building and subsequently centered a great deal around his crucial. His fundamental thought was that any method of correspondence ought to have insignificant vulnerability for it to be powerful. He comprehended that here being numerous dialects, a few words had a ton of significance to certain individuals than others. Shannon found that setting up different codes and images would take care of the issue and individuals communicating in diff dialects could see each other well. His revelation was a binding together factor since the universal war included various individuals and they had no regular correspondence language. Shannon coding frameworks depended on lessening
When You Cant Sleep at Night free essay sample
Truly little woman, with your swollen eyes, OK demonstrate them to me? I let the voice of Austin Carlile stream into my mindfrom my earbuds as I sat on my bed and gazed out the window. The virus saturated my body through the window that isolated my tearâ stained face from the snow delicately drifting to the ground. I pushed my clench hand into my mouth to smother the following cry as it destroyed its way to my lips from where it counts in my stomach.As I sat alone in obscurity, I permitted myself to flounder in selfâ pity, my frailties troubling all my musings. Around the hour of my sixteenth birthday celebration, I understood that I didn’t simply like young men? I enjoyed young ladies too.For months after my acknowledgment, I could scarcely sleep.I would lie wakeful for quite a long time, agitated and apprehensive in light of the fact that the fascination I felt for people confounded me and left me feeling incorrectly, as there was something within me that was failed and should have been fixed. We will compose a custom paper test on At the point when You Cant Sleep at Night or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Whenever I had the option to nod off, I was tormented with nightmares.I would wake up in a virus sweat, tears in my eyes, unfit to get away from the scornful remarks my loved ones regurgitated at me in my dreams.â€Å"You either like young men or young ladies, you can’t like both†, â€Å"it’s only a phase†, â€Å"you’re just confused†, â€Å"you’re a freak†, â€Å"that’s disgusting†, â€Å"stay away from me†.After fourteen days of these ‘episodes’, I not just couldn’t rest, I was panicked to.The individuals in my fantasies knew who I truly was? I couldn’t escape them.So I avoided the genuine versions.Thewalls I had worked among myself as well as other people became taller and thicker.Because of my weaknesses, around others, I turned into an adaptation of myself Id intended to shroud my sexuality. I decided to fulfill others instead of remain consistent with myself. It had been just about 96 hours since I had last dozed and I could scarcely function.I inevitably capitulated to my body’s urgent requirement for rest, yet not in any case an hour later, I woke up due to one more nightmare.â€Å"I detest you†, â€Å"I detest you†, â€Å"I abhor you†.Those three words went through my head over and over as I attempted to quiet my breathing and keep down my tears. I was burnt out on crying. I was worn out on not having the option to sleep.I was burnt out on envisioning everything that could go wrong.I was sick of concealing my sexuality.I was worn out on enduring peacefully. So I came out.Slowly at first.I told my closest companion, and when he disclosed to me he despite everything needed to be my companion I felt the weight I had been carting around begin to fall away of my shoulders.With every positive reaction I got, I developed increasingly more happy with being transparently bisexual.I had the option to drive my psyche to close down and I could rest through the night.The bad dreams turned out to be less continuous and I wasn’t continually tormented with nervousness and selfâ consciousness. I still once in a while wind up tensely scratching my arm, or wringing my hands because of the fits of anxiety welcomed on by my dread of dismissal, and there are still evenings when I just rest for an hour or two.But that’s alright, the circumstance I’m in has no handy solution and the more sure with myself I become, the less continuous these occasions occur.Slowly grasping my sexuality has instructed me that tolerant myself the manner in which I am ought to be one of, if not the, most significant pieces of my life and I shouldn’t penance who I am to satisfy the assessments of others, supposing that they really are significant, they’ll acknowledge me as well.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The law of European Law-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment
Question: Talk about how Power Sharing in the EU Works. Answer: Settlements Under the European law, it has shaped by the standard of law. The law of EU is endorsed willfully under certain arrangements, which is worked by all EU part nations (Barnard and Peers 2017). The strategy under the arrangements doesn't initiated with the 6treties yet the Commission of the nations can worked such approaches according to the enthusiasm of the law. It depicts an understanding, which is authoritative between EU part nations. The understanding assists with dealing with the EU targets and rules for EU establishments. It assists with taking the choices and builds up a decent connection between the EU itself and its part nations. The Treaties ought to be framed for the pertinent to the EU law where it could turn out to be increasingly productive and straightforward. It likewise helps in the groundwork for the new nation individuals and presented with the zones of the participation with the strategies and political perspectives (Kaczorowska-Ireland 2016). The EU settlements assists with understanding the lawful significance, embrace enactments where the part nations can ready to actualize. The most significant settlements in EU law are: Arrangement of Lisbon This arrangement is marked and framed the agreement on thirteenth December, 2007 which is relevant from first December 2009. The point of the arrangement of the bargain is portray the development of the EU increasingly productive, progressively just and assists with understanding the best approach to manage worldwide issues, similar to environmental change, with one voice. It has practice the force, which is, has a place with EU and EU part nations. Bargain of Nice This bargain is marked on the date of 26the February 2001 and from first February 2003 it began to apply in the middle of the nations. The settlement has shaped for accomplishing the reason to reconstruction of the organizations, which will assist EU with functioning effectively in the wake of arriving at 25 part nations. Bargain of Amsterdam On the date of second October the Treaty of Amsterdam is marked and applied between the nations from first May, 1999. The reason for the bargain is to transformation of the EU organizations in anticipation of the appearance of future part nations. Bargain on European Union - Maastricht Treaty On the date of seventh February 1992 this bargain is marked and pertinent between the nations from first November, 1993. The treat was acquainted with get ready for European Monetary Union and present components of a political association, which incorporates normal outside, citizenship and inside undertakings approach. Single European Act It was marked on seventeenth February 1986 and material between the nations from first July 1987. The point of the settlement isthe reorganization of the foundations in anticipation of Portugal and Spain's enrollment and accelerate dynamic in anticipation of the single market. Merger Treaty - Brussels Treaty On eighth April, 1965 the Merger Treaty - Brussels Treaty and constrained from first July, 1967. The settlement has helped in smoothing out the European establishments (Kaczorowska-Ireland 2016). Bargains of Rome : EEC and EURATOM settlements On 25th March, 1957 the Treaties of Rome: EEC and EURATOM bargains was marked and applied between the nations from first January 1958. The bargain has framed to keep up the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) and the European Economic Community (EEC). Bargain setting up the European Coal and Steel Community This bargain was shaped on the date of eighteenth April 1951 and applied between the nations from 23rd July 1952. The arrangement was to shape to satisfy the motivation behind relationship in coal and steel industry so one nation could no longer prepare their military without others uncovering the data. Bargains ought to be shaped for the material to the EU law where it could turn out to be progressively effective and straightforward. It likewise helps in the groundwork for the new nation individuals and presented with the zones of the collaboration with the arrangements and political viewpoints (Nugent 2017) References Barnard, C. furthermore, Peers, S. eds., 2017. European association law. Oxford University Press. Beetham, D. furthermore, Lord, C., 2014. Authenticity and the European association. Routledge. Davies, K., 2015. Understanding European Union Law. Routledge. Kaczorowska-Ireland, A., 2016. European association law. Routledge. McCormick, J., 2014. Understanding the European Union: a brief presentation. Palgrave Macmillan. Nugent, N., 2017. The administration and governmental issues of the European Union. Springer.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Diffusion Across a Selectively Permeable Membrane
Diffusion Across a Selectively Permeable Membrane The vital activity of any living organism is determined by the vital activity of its constituent units-cells. The main structure of any cell that regulates it is the biological membrane. Possessing selective permeability, the biological membrane regulates the concentration of metabolic products, their transport and metabolism in the cells and their parts itself. The regulation of the metabolism through membranes depends, on the one hand, on the activity of the cell itself, and on the other hand, on the chemical properties of the membranes. To start from the beginning, let’s clary some questions: what name is given to the process by which water crosses a selectively permeable definition? what is the definition of membrane being selectively permeable? and how does diffusion help in transferring the material inside the cell? Definition of Diffusion Diffusion is the process of a substance spreading out from its origin. Molecules diffuse through random molecular motion which allows some substances to pass more easily than others. In science, they can be called selectively permeable membranes. The term permeability is explained as the ability of cells and tissues to absorb, secrete and transport chemicals, passing them through cell membranes, vessel walls and epithelial cells. Cells are selectively permeable, meaning that their membranes allow some substances to cross easily while others are unable to cross without assistance. Cell membranes are selectively permeable, in part because its pores are small, allowing the cell to prevent larger molecules from moving across the membrane. Living cells are always in a state of continuous exchange of chemicals with each other and the environment itself. This process of moving, interchanging and permeability is always happening, even when a system appears to have reached equilibrium, because molecules are always moving. Selectively permeable membrane However, there are some obstacles in substances being transferred through. Sometimes diffusing particles encounter regions in which the permeability is reduced, but not zero. One example of such a region is called a membrane, a thin barrier that might be made of cellulose, plastic, glass, or phospholipid; or the barrier might be a biological membrane consisting of a complex mixture of lipids and proteins. In addition, membranes alter the rate at which particles can diffuse, and they do so selectively. That is, they allow some particles to pass freely, retard the passage of others to varying degrees and completely prevent the passage of still others. Indeed, cells use a whole array of membrane proteins, called carriers and channels, to regulate (and sometimes rapidly change) the permeability of what would otherwise be an impermeable lipid bilayer. Membranes, through their selective alteration of the otherwise inexorable process of diffusion, cause a number of interesting cellular phenomena. When water can cross the membrane and dissolved particles cannot, osmosis occurs. When charged particles can cross and those with the opposite charge can not, diffusion potentials are generated. In other words, if the speed of the solutes molecule transferred through the molecule’s membrane is commensurable with the speed of the water molecules being transferred, the magnitude of such forces will be close to zero. Thus, no osmotic change in cell volume. But if the cell membrane is impenetrable for a given substance, then the osmotic change in cell volume is goes to its maximum. Of course, the speed or the rate of molecular penetration through the cell membrane depends on the size of the molecule. To conclude, living cells, like the organism as a whole, are an open system with a constant exchange of material and energy. During this exchange, the process of permeability of the substances takes place in the cell through membranes. The study of the structures and characteristics of biological membranes plays an important role in medicine, since many pathological processes in the cell are associated with a violation of membrane functions. Violation of the functions of cellular and intracellular membranes underlies irreversible cell damage and, as a consequence, the development of severe diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine system which have enormous effect on humans health.
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Women In The 1920s - Free Essay Example
The first radio station, the Prohibition, and women gaining suffrage were all a part of the new emerging era the roaring twenties. Many of these changes brought a new ideas about the female role in society allowing women to wear shorter skirts, cut their hair into bobs, and began driving. Women even began to enter the work force in small numbers with about a twenty five percent increase in fields such as teaching, social working, and nursing as a result of world war one. During the twenties just a few of the new female roles were being athletes, upper class charmers, and women who exploited men for money as represented in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Although Daisy, Jordan, and Myrtle were all progressive females in the twenties, Daisy is wealthily, charming and tradition holding as, Jordan is an athlete, flapper and independent woman, as Myrtle is lower class, searching for wealth, and is sensual. Daisy Buchanan is a perfect example of upper class women in the 1920s as she is extremely charming, wealthily, and holds aristocratic values. A key example of Daisy`s wealth is when Nick is talking to Gatsby and Nick says It was full of money that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbals` song of it. High in a white palace the kings daughter, the golden girl..[ pg. 120] Nick is almost telling Gatsby that Daisy already has money and simply having large amounts of money is important to Daisy, but is not extremely impressive as her entire life she has lived in an old money family, inheriting their social status. He uses a white palace to show the money she had because in old European fashion and society if you had white clothes it was a symbol of royalty as the clothes could easily become dirty. This comments that she is living with desirable upper class family situation that would allow her the finer things in life and an extremely high social status that many women had to marry to gain. During the 1920s being from a wealthy family or gaining wealth was extremely desirable to the American Population making Daisy not only in the top one percent of the population but extremely charming to other characters in the book. An example of this charm is when Nick first describes Daisy as Her face was sad and lovely with bright things in it, bright eyes and a bright passionate mouth, but there was an excitement in her voice that men who cared for her found difficult to forget: [pg 9] Daisy very much plays into this desire, of men, in the 1920s because she doesnt work causing her to stay home, she is extremely beautiful, and she holds traditions of old money appealing to wealthy men. During the 1920s and eras before many families wanted to keep old money in the family causing men, from old money, to marry women from old money to maintain their wealth status and keep old money with old money. Daisy Buchanan overall was a rendition of the 1920s American dream that included traits like charm, wealth, and values of money. Jordan Baker is a new emerging kind of 1920s women that were becoming independent, athletes, and flappers. An example of her being an flapper is She was incurably dishonest. She wasnt able to endure being at a disadvantage and, given this unwillingness.. [pg 58] Jordan embodies this new idea of the flapper in a few ways.Women who were seen as flappers were seen as party girls which is the only reason that Jordan knows Gatsby, as we learned form the original meeting of Nick and her. Flappers brought the fresh new idea that women could lie and cheat like men to get ahead in life. An example of Jordans independence is When I had finished she told me she was engaged to another man.[pg177] Jordan has moved on from nick and potentially found a new man, even though Nick believes this isnt true. This comment shows that Jordan didnt need to be married or codependent on someone because if she needed that she would have just married some wealthy man to just to be a wife. She is different than other women of her time, she is a trailblazer for a new era of independent women that dont have the overwhelming feeling that the end goal in life is to marry a rich man and play house wife their entire lives. An example of Jordan being an athlete is At her first big Golf tournament there was a row that nearly reached the newspapers a suggestion that she had moved her ball from a bad lie in the semi-final round.[pg 57] Nick specially remembers this story while thinking about who Jordan was as an athlete and a person. In the early 1900s women began to choose being professional athletes like, Margaret Abott who in 1900 was the first woman to win a Gold metal. This began a key idea in later feminist movements that women didnt have to be teachers or librarians they could be anything including athletes. Jordan baker overall is a groundbreaking and new kind a women we see in the 1920s. Myrtle Wilson is very different from Jordan and Daisy because she is not only lower class but she uses men intentionally of rather money and she is described in a sensual way. An example of her use of men for money is when myrtle says I married him because I thought he was a gentleman. I thought he knew something about breeding, but he wasnt fit to lick my shoe. [pg 34] Myrtle originally only marries her husband under the assumption that he is extremely wealthy and she later realizes that he was poor. Myrtle saying he wasnt fit to lick my shoe shows that she finds out he is beneath her in society and possibly lead her to believe that there was more money. Myrtle is like many women in the 1920s who are forced to move up the social latter by marrying a wealthy man and unfortunate for myrtle she married the wrong man. An example of myrtles sensual features is when she is hit by the car and it says her left breast was winging loose like a flap and there was no need to listen for a heart beat[pg 137] Myrtles main feature was her sexuality as when she died it was figuratively, and literally, ripped away from her taking her life away. She could have been killed in anyway but she was killed in a way that took away the one thing that was her fault and caused her to cheat with Tom. You could even say that Myrtles sexuality being ripped from her in the end was a way for God to punish her as he has seen all the lying and cheating she has done behind her husbands back. Myrtle Wilson has many attributes that contribute to her character but in the end her greed for wealth and sensualness that end up killing her. Myrtle, Jordan, and Daisy are all very different characters in nature and personalities but they have many things in common. One thing they have in common is the idea that they all represent new ideas of what women in the 1920s began to change into. Also all three women at some point are involved with a man that doesnt stay in their life. Daisy was involved with Gatsby, Jordan with Nick, and Myrtle with Tom. Finally all three women are extremely careless and are willing to lie not only to themselves but too others in order to maintain their relationship and wealth status in the book. Even though the gender roles began to change in the 1920s women still cheated and lied their way out of many situations.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Recruitment Process For The Assistant Manager At Panera Essay
The purpose of this letter is to inform you about the specific steps we have taken in the recruiting process for our assistant manager at our new Panera location in North Liberty, Iowa and what compensation strategy we plan to put in place. In order to recruit the best possible assistant manager at Panera, we plan on executing multiple recruiting methods including local advertisements, referrals from current employees of Panera, and posting the open position to general job listing sites and the corporate website. Recruiting can be described as â€Å"the process of developing a pool of qualified candidates†(Williams, p. 223). We are looking for someone to fill the assistant manager position that is highly qualified and shows an exemplary set of skills. We are going to be looking externally for an assistant manager who can bring in new ideas and perspectives that can make our company thrive since many â€Å"establishments that rely exclusively on network hiring tend to be small, less formalized, and in the private sector†(Marsden, 1994). We are going to be targeting employees that we think will fit the job description well which includes being able to complete the tasks, duties, and responsibilities expec ted of them and that they will fit in along with current staff members. Along with advertising in the local newspaper we will be looking at possible referrals, posting the job on general job listing sites as well as the corporate website for Panera. General job listing sites areShow MoreRelatedA Report On The Company s Official Website Is A Good Board For Post Recruitment Information2550 Words  | 11 PagesWe would like to update you on the progress of the Panera startup in North Liberty, Iowa. Currently, we have begun recruiting for an assistant to help our existing full time manager. Our primary recruitment effort has been posting a job listing in the local newspaper. This has generated 6 applicants resumes so far. The rest of this letter outlines additional recruitment we will undertake, details about what questions we will ask in the interview, which applicants are going to be interviewed, andRead MoreUsing Online Social Media As An Effective Tool For Recruitment Essay1563 Words  | 7 Pageswill improve our search for a future assistant man ager because it will allow us to target a variety of eligible candidates who possess the management skills and experience we require. Furthermore, we will save time and money by using this process. Social media is increasingly being recognized as an effective tool for recruitment, so we are confident that these networks will provide us with success in finding capable individuals to apply for the assistant manager position. According to a survey conductedRead MoreRecruitment Is The Process Of Developing A Pool Of Qualified Job Applicants Essay2323 Words  | 10 Pagesâ€Å"Recruiting is the process of developing a pool of qualified job applicants,†which plays a large role in company s success, (Williams, 223). Gail Hyland-Savage the CEO of Michaelson, Connor Boul said â€Å"without a competent and talented workforce, organizations will stagnate and eventually perish,†(Williams, 223). Currently, we ve only been recruiting for our job opening is through local newspaper ads. While advertising in the local paper brought us our six possible new hires there are many more
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Globalization Perspective Essay - 771 Words
Globalization has an impact both on a relatively small food industry as Hansens Natural and a relatively big food industry as Kraft Foods. Hansen’s Natural Corporation develops, markets and distributes wide assortment of beverage products. It operates in the US. Kraft Foods manufactures, markets and packages food and beverages. It’s the largest packaged foods company in North America and second largest in the world, behind Nestle. The internet and IT has created a great opportunity for both companies, Kraft and Hansen, to provide information education on the benefits of their products to their current customers as well as their potential customers. It has broadened the scope of advertisement across the globe. Anywhere the internet is†¦show more content†¦Hansen needs to promote its other products, such as non- carbonated drinks more, to increase its revenue across the globe and to thrive in the competition. Worldwide access to Hansen’s generic products is poor as compared to Kraft Foods, its competitor. Globally, Hansen’s products could only be purchased online through Amazon, purchase should be greater than $25, or through CCE, which supplies US, Canada, UK and certain other countries in Europe, whereas Kraft Food has a strong global distribution network. In North America, Kraft performs direct store delivery and warehouse deliveries, across 139 distribution centers and depots. Outside North America, warehouse delivery and services with independent sales offices and agents is done across 97 distribution centers and 29 countries. This makes Kraft Food’s generic products easily accessible worldwide as compared to Hansen’s Natural. Kraft Foods has talented staff that research into products needed in the market. â€Å"Kraft knows what you want before you want it†. Generally people across the globe are more concerned about losing weight and taking balanced diet. That is what Kraft is currently offering on the market, products for weight management, nutrient delivery, performance nutrition, and natural and organic. The company reduced the sodium in many of its products to suit the current demand. Kraft FoodsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Article Spiritual Perspectives On Globalization 906 Words  | 4 Pagesarticle â€Å"Spiritual Perspectives on Globalization†written by Ira Rifkin and published by Skylight Paths Publishers in 2003, Rifkin defines globalization as a fusion of economic level, which encircles all the multinational companies that made possible the capital flows, cultural level, which encompass the homogenization of culture by the countries that undermine others and individual level, which features the consumerism and boost of consumer values (Rifkin). Still, globalization may reduce or increaseRead MoreThe Deviant Globalization From Gilman s Perspective1422 Words  | 6 PagesGlobalization is a developmental process of transnational integration, which mainly reflects on the economic aspect. The moral standards and legal systems in different regions are changing differently along with the progress of the society. However, when mentioned globalizat ion, people mostly refer to mainstream globalization. Deviant globalization- the rebarbative dark side of the global economy- is ignored constantly. There is a distinctive evaluation from Nils Gilman- deviant globalization isRead MoreRealist and Liberalist Perspectives of Globalization Essay examples738 Words  | 3 Pages Why and how did globalization occur? Different perspectives have different explanations as to why and how globalization evolved. Realists argue that international trade is most effective when there is hegemony in the world market, whereas liberalists believe that it is a matter of how countries use the idea of reciprocity in their decision about trade. I agree with the realist perspective because hegemony allows the global economy to enhance and international trade functions the bestRead MoreCritique Nigel Dowers Perspective Of Ethical Development And Globalization1722 Words  | 7 PagesClimate change is related to globalization and development s imilarly to how economics is related to globalization and development, but with one additional step. Dower (p1. 2005) explains the relationship as follows: â€Å"globalization is an economic process involving increased international investments and trade in goods and services. Development is a process of economic growth. Globalization is the engine of economic growth. So globalization is the engine of development.†For this paper, I will useRead MoreGlobalization: A Western Perspective3291 Words  | 14 Pagesneoliberal policies, has become a rod of dissatisfaction among anti-globalization. In theory, neoliberal policies seek to industrialize Latin America through western ideas and structure under the policy of â€Å"one size fits all†. Late development theory states that not all development will follow the same path as their predecessors. Each country accounts for its own history, culture, trajectory and variables for development. Globalization while it has workers for western countries, it has not been the rightfulRead MoreUnderstanding Globalization in a World Perspective2188 Words  | 9 PagesUnderstanding Globalization in a World Perspective The word â€Å"globalization†as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary is â€Å"the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets.†The global expansion extends goods and services to a worldwide market, via investments, services and trade. This global force is driven by economic investments in foreign markets. Factoring trade growth is pushedRead MoreTrade Regionalism and Globalization: The Economic and Political Perspective4218 Words  | 17 Pages Regionalism and Globalization 4 Trade, Regionalism and Globalization The Economic Perspective 5 Trade, Regionalism and Globalization The Political Perspective 7 Regionalism vs. Globalization 9 Regionalism, Globalization and the Pacific Island 10 Free Movement of Goods in Pacific Islands 10 Free Movement of People in Pacific Islands 12 Free Movement of Capital in Pacific Islands 12 Regionalism in the Pacific Islands is Contentious 13 Challenges of Globalization and Pacific IslandsRead MoreThe Various Perspectives of Globalization in Bill McKibbens Book Deep Economy893 Words  | 4 Pagesantithesis to globalization. Whereas the founding principle of globalization is to make processes for commerce international, thereby reducing the world to a single global village, McKibben largely advocates the opposite approach within this manuscript: localization. In fact, the author implicitly and explicitly states that globalization is producing a number of noxious effects that can only be rectified by localization. The international and national economies that globalization is based uponRead MoreGlobalization Source Analysis Essay730 Words  | 3 Pagesï » ¿Globalization is the process by which different societies and cultures integrate through a worldwide network of political ideas through transportation, communication, and trade. Generally, globalization has affected many nations in various ways; economically, poli tically, and socially. It is a term that refers to the fast integration and interdependence of various nations, which shapes the world affairs on a global level. Simply put; globalization is the world coming together. In this essay I willRead MoreGlobalization, No Alliances, And No Communication?1267 Words  | 6 Pagesthrough a process of globalization that makes possible to say that the answer for this question is a strong no. According to Hirst, Thompson, and Bromley â€Å"It is widely asserted that we live in an era in which the greater part of social life is determined by global processes, in which national cultures, national economies, national borders and national territories are dissolving. Central to this perception is the notion of a rapid and recent process of economic globalization†(2015). Nowadays it is
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Security And Protection Of Patient Information
This Security Plan is to be implemented in a Home Health Care Center with the aim of protecting the information of patients enrolled in it. The purpose of this Policy is to clearly demonstrate the commitment of the home center management to the security and protection of patient information. Management is dedicated to fostering a culture of compliance among all employees. This Policy sets the direction, gives broad guidance, and defines the requirements for security related processes, programs, and actions across the center. The center should be committed to consistent enforcement of this Policy and cyber security. This Policy should be in directive compliance with federal reliability standards. All responsible managers and supervisors are†¦show more content†¦Both training and awareness activities should emphasize the importance of protecting and securing patient information. Persons granted access to patient information should be required to complete annual training on app licable policies and procedures, physical and electronic access controls, and proper use and handling. Training should be customized based on the need of the individual. The center should identify, classify, and protect sensitive information associated with patients. The electronic security should be done by the standards propose by HIPAA. If there were any changes the center is responsible for change control and configuration management for development, deployment, modifying, replacing, or removal of critical software. Change control associated with systems used in the access control and monitoring of the Physical Security should be the responsibility of one person. It is important to the center that appropriate access controls and processes are developed to ensure proper protection within electronic security perimeters. Technical and procedural mechanisms should be used to control electronic access at all electronic access points. In addition, there should be constant review, updating, and maintenance of all documentation which support the Electronic Security to ensure the processes and documentation reflect current configurations and practices. All modifications to the Electronic
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cosmetic Surgery As A Medical Tool - 2309 Words
Beauty, who doesn t want it? People have always wanted to look beautiful in other people eyes. Since the first day human being appeared on Earth, we’ve always wanted to change and improve our self-images; therefore, in early twentieth century, when the medication has reached high level in changing people s flaws by surgery, more and more people find plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery as the beauty tools. Today the number of people who seeking for plastic surgery has increased dramatically, despite the fact that besides all beauty benefits it bring back there are also negative impacts that people should also considered before deciding to do it. People first find cosmetic surgery as a medical tool to enhance their body and their appearance. According to Northrop, During and after World War II many people get injured and most parts of their bodies mutated into different kind of shape and size that many people find that not acceptable to appear in front of other people (22). Diana Zuckerman argues that people came to plastic surgery with a purpose to fix their flaws such as lips, noses, and ears correction. It would bring great benefits for people especially children because being able to fix those flaws at the young age is the best option due to the changing body and the wounds would heal faster than old people. She found it more acceptable than other types of plastic surgery (â€Å" Teen and Cosmetic Surgery â€Å"). Plastic surgery and cosmetic surgeryShow MoreRelatedSurgery And Cosmetic Surgery : Is It The Hippocratic Oath Or The Oath Of Maimonides? Essay1099 Words  | 5 PagesAll medical oath, be it the Hippocratic oath or the oath of Maimonides, share two principles; Beneficence and non-maleficence. Beneficence requires that medical practitioners act in the patient’s best interests. Non-maleficence ensures that medical practitioner never acts in a way that may harm a patient. Both of these principles give patients a promise of Pro fessionalism. Rosamond Rhodes described the medical profession as, â€Å"a social artifact created by giving control over a set of knowledge, skillsRead MoreThe Ethics Of Cosmetic Surgery1264 Words  | 6 PagesThe Ethics of Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic surgery, a type of elective surgery undertaken to alter a person’s appearance for reasons beyond injury, illness, or disease, has become increasingly pervasive in society in the past few decades despite sparking controversial debates. (Coleman, 171) While reconstructive surgery is condoned, cosmetic surgery occupies a gray area where physicians â€Å"dedicated to saving lives, healing, and promoting health†perform â€Å"invasive surgical operations on healthy bodiesRead MoreAnalysis Of Michael Porter s Five Forces Analysis1351 Words  | 6 Pageslonger a phrase of the past, thanks to the cosmetic surgery industry. Injectables such as Botulinum toxin, (aka Botox), Collagen, and Hyaluronic acid are credited with keeping faces wrinkle-free. More invasive procedures, such as Breast Implantation, nose surgery, and the ever popular tummy-tuck, offer enhancements to those body parts the individual is dis-satisfied with (Grundy, 2006). Because of the seemingly i nstant gratification, the cosmetic surgery industry has witnessed a drastic increaseRead MoreThe Side Effects of Cosmetic Surgery1325 Words  | 6 PagesThe Side Effects of Cosmetic Surgery Reading and Writing Level 4 Kirsten Ringstrom April 14, 2009 Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 The History of Cosmetic Surgery 3 The Trends of Cosmetic Surgeries 4 The Risks of Cosmetic Surgery 5 Conclusion References Throughout recorded history, a pale complexion has nearly always been more fashionable than a tan complexion because pale skin represents a woman who does not have to labour outdoors. So, most non-white women probably wantedRead MorePlastic Surgery And Its Effect On Society1169 Words  | 5 Pagesachieve such looks is through the process of plastic surgery, women especially. Women feel an immense amount of pressure to achieve a certain look to be considered beautiful. Plastic surgery is a cosmetic procedure in which in helps to alter the appearance and functions of the body. Over the cosmetic procedures have become a norm and many people see it as a necessity in order for them to love themselves. These standards of beauty have become a tool, in which measures a woman’s sense of worth. ThisRead MoreBeauty Is No Longer A Personal Matter1202 Words  | 5 Pagesthe help of the mass media, a number of computer edited images are presented to the public, and these images are often promoted as â€Å"beautiful.†Many people seek to alter their appearances through surgeries, and some even become obsessed with the thought of beauty that they go through numerous surgeries in attempt to achieve the â€Å"perfect look.†These obsessive thoughts with regards to beauty can be explained through the interactionist perspective, in which shared meanings are established through theRead MorePlastic Surgery Helps Self-Esteem Essay954 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å" To men a man but a mind. Who cares what face he carries or what he wears? But woman’s body is still the woman. â€Å"(Bierce,1958). People nowadays want to be more beautiful and perfect. They will do anything to fulfill their needs. Cosmetic surgery is modern variation of a practice as old as humankind. Every culture has some customs that prescribe deliberately changing a body’s natural appearance (Brain, 1979). The methods, however, are diverse and particular to a culture at a spe cific period of timeRead MoreInformative Speech : Plastic Surgery1551 Words  | 7 Pages Informational Interview Plastic Surgery is a speciality of medicine and a branch of surgery. It is a medical specialty that includes reconstructive interventions as well as cosmetic interventions of the body and face (Reconstructive plastic surgery) and the second one (cosmetic plastic surgery), the latter popularly known as cosmetic surgery. Reconstructive plastic surgery is the restoring and give to the body its form and functionality in patients who have suffered accidents, burns, cancer, orRead MoreThe Treatment Of Breast Implants Essay1498 Words  | 6 PagesAotearoa New Zealand, doctors who are not qualified as surgeons may perform cosmetic procedures, including invasive surgery. As with any form of major surgery, there are certain risks and side effects linked with cosmetic surgery and variations between the providers and clinicians involved in this industry. Significant health risks have also been associated with breast implants used in both cosmetic and breast reconstruction surgeries. (Action, 2014) A Breast implants is an envelope containing a substanceRead More Negative Aspects of Cosmetic Surgery Essay1442 Words  | 6 PagesCosmetic Surgery - Worth the Risk? In todays society the picture of beauty is a thin super model with the body of a goddess posted on billboards all around the world. Children grow up playing with Barbie dolls with the body measurements of would be 90,60,90. Because of these pictures and other figures of beauties projected all over, a person is convinced to believe that to be beautiful and happy, one must look like these images. To most, the easiest way to achieve this is my having cosmetic surgery
Hero Definition Essay Free Essays
How do you know when you’ve seen a hero before your eyes? Most likely in real life they won’t be wearing a cape or suit that identifies themselves as this well known hero. Realistically you’ve never or even possibly ever will see that kind of hero. Why is it that that kind of hero always seems to be the first thing that pops into one’s mind when the word â€Å"hero†is said; that stereotypical hero that always features in movies? We often forget that we’re actually surrounded every single day by heroes. We will write a custom essay sample on Hero Definition Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Teachers, firefighters, you name it, are all considered heroes in one or more peoples’ eyes based on the things they’ve done. A hero not only goes beyond their needs and boundaries to help and encourage others, but also have a strong mind set. Heroes can be looked in the eye and show that they will not back down or give in to the defeat of something they’ve put their mind to. One important quality of heroism is stepping out from their comfort zone to help others in need, as they put aside their own demands. Often times a hero has a choice whether to go and help others or focus on themselves and pay attention to their only needs, but the fact that they put down their focus on themselves to help another shows how a true hero can be distinguished from amongst the crowd. For instance, an example of this quality can be found in the story Love Triumphs: 6 Year Old Becomes a Hero to Band of Toddlers, Rescuers by Ellen Barry. In this story, a little 6 year old boy named Deamonte Love takes on the responsibility of taking care of several other children, including his baby brother and cousins when they all were separated from their parents due to Hurricane Katrina. Deamonte â€Å"promised he’d take care of his brother†after seeing â€Å"his mother cry when he was loaded onto the helicopter†along with the other children to be taken to safety(SB 20). Even if Deamonte was scared, he took the lead role in directing and watching over the children, putting his focus only on the children, encouraging and making them feel safe till they were all reunited again with their parents. This quality of heroism can not only be seen in boys, but also in girls, movies, and real life. Another example that shows this quality is from the movie Mulan. In this particular movie, a young woman, named Mulan poses as a young man and son of his (Mulan’s) father in order to save him from fighting in the war forcefully. Mulan then goes out pretending she is one of the many soldiers in the army and saves her father from serving. What Mulan did not only showed courage but also some determination as well. She had courage to pose as a man in order to save her father from fighting in the war, where also she placed herself in dangerous positions being in the army with no training at all. Doing that Mulan showed how she went beyond her own abilities to help her father. Mulan also showed some determination in how when she was in the army she wanted to prove to many of the other soldiers that she can be considered a real warrior. She also showed determination in which she impersonated a fake son of her father and continued out with her plan just so she knew that her own father with his old age and disabilities would be safe at home. As you can see, Mulan definitely went outside of her limits and surpassed her zone of security and comfort to help and meet the needs of her father. Heroism often calls for the hero to have a strong mind set. Having this quality in a hero means that they are able to change their outlook or attitude on something for the better so they can accomplish their goal. For example, this quality of heroism can be clearly shown in the poem A Man by Nina Cassian. In this poem, a soldier who loses his arm while fighting for his country must overcome his new challenge, continuing life with one arm. Undoubtedly, in the beginning of the poem the soldier recognizes in a very negative way how his life will forever be changed and impacted. Despite his sadness and physical limitations he rises above and looks at being positive, setting â€Å"himself to do everything with twice as much enthusiasm (line 15). †This soldier’s optimism is what helped him conquer the battles both physically and emotionally having to deal with just one arm. He decides to push through this challenge and enjoy life as it comes. His strong mind set was the determination and optimism of bouncing back from what he only thought of negative things and how he was able to change his outlook on his situation. Another example of this quality are the firefighters and policemen doing their job every single day. They portray this trait of a hero by how they have the certainty and bravery to go into any situation knowing that they are there to protect people from harm. One last quality of heroism is how a hero doesn’t give in to the defeat of something. An example of this characteristic of a hero is from October Sky. In this movie, a young teenage boy named Homer Hickman Jr. is expected to work in the coal mines after graduating from high school, just like all the other boys, but dares to refuse that job and instead pursues a passion for science. His passion all started when he wanted to build a rocket. Although nobody believed that he would actually build one, Homer goes on with no support in building a small rocket with the help of a smart classmate. Despite the first failure of his small rocket, Homer continued to chase after his dream of building a rocket until he finally does. His persistent determination and motivation to keep going after having no support in the beginning and having many fail attempts gets him to win a national science fair with a college scholarship. In the very beginning of the movie though, Homer had perseverance when he wanted to make the football team, even though the chances of him making it were clear that he wouldn’t. Despite this though Homer tried and tried over again getting back up after each tackle he received on the football field knowing that football could have gotten him into college. Heroism can be identified and seen in multiple ways. A definition of heroism varies from person to person and can mean more personal to one that has actually identified a hero in their life. A hero not only goes beyond their needs and boundaries to help and encourage others, but also have a strong mind set. Heroes can be looked in the eye and show that they will not back down or give in to the defeat of something they’ve put their mind to. Even though a definition can start or end differently they all have one message that can interpret differently to several people. It comes down to the fact of how you look at the idea of a hero and maybe apply that to your own life. How to cite Hero Definition Essay, Essay examples
Shrines by Purity Ring free essay sample
Formed in 2010, Canadian band Purity Ring consists of lead singer Megan James and instrumentalist Corin  Roddick. The group creates experimental, witch house, and post-dubstep-influenced music. Their only album, â€Å"Shrines,†released in July 2012, caused a surge in their popularity. They received much praise for their deeply immersive music – so much, in fact, that the day they released a cover of Soulja Boys â€Å"Grammy,†their  website crashed due to high demand for the song. â€Å"Shrines†reached number two on Billboards Dance/Electronic  Albums list. Purity Ring has a unique sound with dominant vocals and saturated synth that draws in the listener. While the tone of Megans vocals gives off soothing optimism, Roddick evokes an ominous sensation with energized musical genius, as is clear in the single â€Å"Fineshrine.†â€Å"Amenamy†paints the air with a subtle tranquility while introducing an inexplicable yet undeniable wit chy darkness. Roddick balances these moods impeccably by producing a tune that will effortlessly repeat in ones head. We will write a custom essay sample on Shrines by Purity Ring or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Purity Ring is a band that is definitely worth a listen.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Should Governments Provide a Universal Healthcare System free essay sample
Universal health care is the provision of medical services by governments that are usually either free or subsidised. Many countries around the world provide this type of service to their citizens including the UK, Canada, Spain and most Nordic countries. The UK’s National Health System, for instance, was founded over 60 years ago with the promise of caring for the British people ‘From Cradle to Grave’ (Adds 1998). Europe has some of the world’s best hospitals and has made great progress in medical research, but the concept of universal healthcare is often debated. It is an important issue to consider because there are many differing opinions about how healthcare can be funded to make it fair, effective and accessible. Many believe that a free healthcare system is unfair and that people should take responsibility for their own wellbeing. However. This essay argues that governments should provide a universal healthcare system by considering two main points: equality and the cost of healthcare, and patient behaviour and preventative healthcare. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Governments Provide a Universal Healthcare System? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Findings show that universal healthcare is an equitable and long-term solution. An initial area of discussion relates to equality and the funding of national healthcare. Many argue that universal healthcare is never free it is funded through taxation. Young (2010) contends, â€Å"Providing free healthcare through taxation is unfair to those who are healthy and have little use for medical care†. Another common objection to free healthcare is that many people have enough money to pay for their own medical expenses or to purchase private health insurance â€Å"Medical insurance removes the burden of responsibility for healthcare from the government to the individual†(Sam 2003). These arguments; however, fail to consider the true cost of healthcare. Many people, especially those in low-income jobs, or the elderly cannot afford the cost of private insurance. Surely it is unfair that healthcare is only available to those on higher wages? For instance, even if people do purchase medical insurance it may not cover all their medical costs, especially if they contract a serious illness such as cancer and thus lose their job. A report by the NHS in 2008 found that 98% of insurance companies would not cover the medical costs of long-term treatment such as radiotherapy or chemotherapy, or provide care for non-physical conditions such as depression. Furthermore, despite opposition, it is clear that taxation is the fairest means of providing healthcare funding as people pay on a means-tested basis, depending on their income. The wealthy, for instance, will pay a higher percentage towards healthcare whilst the non-working citizens such as the elderly, disabled or children are subsidised. As Gatts (2003) shows: â€Å"In Sweden high taxation is supported when the benefits of social care are evident†. This evidence clearly demonstrations how universal healthcare can provide equal among all citizens. Another important area of debate details patient behaviour and preventative healthcare. Some proponents assert that free healthcare will lead to chaotic and inappropriate patient behaviour. Doyle (2006) claims that patients will overuse medical services and cites examples of people asking for an ambulance for minor illnesses such as a cold or sprain. It is also argued that this overuse of services will lead to long waiting times and delayed treatment. For example in 2009 cancer researchers said that 15,000 people over age 75 were dying prematurely from cancer every year â€Å"Experts said those deaths could have been avoided if those patients had been diagnosed and treated earlier†(USA Today 2009). Nevertheless, it also needs to be remembered that free healthcare will encourage patients to visit the doctor early before their illness becomes too serious to treat. The opponents of free healthcare have overlooked the fact that if people are too afraid to ask for help due to the costs, it will ultimately become more expensive when they finally do receive treatment. Gatts (2003) supports this suggestion explaining that in Sweden preventative care has saved thousands from heart disease over the last two decades. Furthermore when healthcare is provided free of charge medical services will have enough funding to provide education and raise public awareness of healthy lifestyles. A private medical insurer would most likely not invest in the prevention of sickness, whereas a free health system will encourage the public to maintain their well-being: â€Å"Superhealth is an NHS scheme aimed at raising awareness of healthy eating and avoiding obesity†(Marin 2010). A government healthcare scheme will undoubtedly be more focused on prevention rather than cure. These points confirm that free healthcare is a long-term solution to a country’s medical needs. In conclusion, the essay reviewed the areas of equality and cost, and patient behaviour and preventative healthcare to consider if medical services should be provided at no cost. Discussion found that in spite of some objections related to fairness of the taxation system and overuse of national health services, overall a universal healthcare system is the best solution. Free healthcare provides equal care for all people no matter what their circumstances, and it allows health providers to focus on prevention of sickness and education. It is important to remember that life is unpredictable and accidents or illness can strike at any time, changing people’s circumstances rapidly. A comprehensive medical system provides a safety net for citizens. It is recommended that nations provide a universal healthcare system, but also ensure that the public are educated and take responsibility for their own well being so they do not abuse the system or take it for granted. In future it is to be hoped that other countries will follow the lead of some of the European nations and provide a free and accessible healthcare service to all their citizens. After all â€Å"Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have. â€
Monday, April 13, 2020
A Thesis Statement For Poetry Analysis Essay Sample
A Thesis Statement For Poetry Analysis Essay SampleA thesis statement for poem analysis essay sample is simply the statement of an idea, a theme or a goal. It does not necessarily have to be factual, and it should never be a direct quotation from a poem. A thesis statement for poem analysis essay sample could also be a parenthetical statement in which you deduce a secondary theme.A thesis statement for poem analysis essay sample comes into play when your task as a poet is to analyze a piece of writing by tracing an argument or a theme through a poem. Thesis statements usually occur at the end of the dissertation, a written account of your intellectual development. When you begin to research for your dissertation, you might find that the writer of the piece you are reading had a strong connection to a theme or idea from a particular poem. You might consider this a theme, or perhaps an argument. If you are interested in investigating further, you can find the poem and examine the argum ent.For an example, imagine that the writer of the piece was an admirer of Joyce's Finnegans Wake. He or she might have taken to heart the theme in the poem and taken a closer look at the primary image of a wheeled figure cycling, as he or she understood it. If this is the case, you might go back to your dissertation to investigate more about the wheel.A second example would be a secondary theme for the poem, such as 'the role of art in the world.' In this case, you might find that the artist studied the primary theme to discover that the image of the artist on the left side of the painting would really suggest the right-hand side of the painting. You might find a similar third example, that relates the painter's primary themes to the poem.A thesis statement for poem analysis essay sample could also be a parenthetical statement about an aspect of the poem. For example, if the poem contained a passage of clear and quick rhyming lines, you might analyze this passage as a whole, as a p art of the poem. You might compare it to the lines of another poem in which the story of a set of twins told in short verses was explored, as a part of the poem. And so on.Even if you think your thesis statement for poem analysis essay sample might be too involved or long to be incorporated into your dissertation, you can still include it in your curriculum vitae. You may even include it in your curriculum vitae as a resource or a sample. Don't forget to check it out and use it in your resume, and as a resource for future readings. Write a thesis statement for poem analysis essay sample for inspiration and advice, but do not completely rely on it for the content of your dissertation.Remember that your thesis statement for poem analysis essay sample is just that - a statement of an idea, a theme or a goal. It is your statement that will reveal to the reader how your interests, passions and skills fit together.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Dantes Inferno essays
Dante's Inferno essays It is an accepted fact within many schools of thought that, Dante's Inferno is a groundbreaking work that set a standard for its genre and also demonstrated many new visual and psychological concepts about the after life. Yet, it is also clear that the Inferno is a product of its time and must be judged within the context of it. Within the work there are countless demonstrations of both conformity and departure from the classical Christian moral and ethical view upon sin and punishment but one of the most striking conformities is with regard to the idea of divine right, in the sense that politics were guided and backed by God. "First he must descend through Hell (The Recognition of Sin), then he must ascend through Purgatory (The Renunciation of Sin), and only then may he reach the pinnacle of joy ..." (Dante, Ciardi 3) Dante's Inferno is clearly an example, on a grand scale of the thoughts and standards of his time, as well as a culmination of the classical ideals associated with philosophy, sometimes conforming to Christian ideals but often departing from it. In many ways the work can be seen as one of the first applications of what we like to think of as the renaissance work of reinterpretation of Greco-Roman Philosophy, a genre that in Dante's time, much of which was only recently accepted by the Roman Catholic Church as being anything other than the heathen words of the pagans. Within the front matter of the Ciardi translation of Purgatory, a previous beloved book of the Divine Comedy, there is a clear demonstration of the roots of Dante's quest. Seeing corruption abound within the church, he wondered how any man could even dream to reach salvation: What hope was there that men in general might be persuaded to a just life in this world and salvation in the next when they saw their spiritual leaders behave in such a way' Surely ...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Reading Notes on Robert Frost’s Poem “Nothing Gold Can Stayâ€Â
Reading Notes on Robert Frost’s Poem â€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay†Robert Frost wrote a number of long narrative poems like â€Å"The Death of the Hired Man,†and most of his best-known poems are medium-length, like his sonnets â€Å"Mowing†and â€Å"Acquainted with the Night,†or his two most famous poems, both written in four stanzas, â€Å"The Road Not Taken†and â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.†But some of his most beloved poems are famously brief lyrics- like â€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay,†which is condensed into only eight lines of three beats each (iambic trimeter), four little rhyming couplets containing the whole cycle of life, an entire philosophy. Double Entendreâ€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay†achieves its perfect brevity by making every word count, with a richness of meanings. At first, you think it’s a simple poem about the natural life cycle of a tree: â€Å"Nature’s first green is gold,Her hardest hue to hold.†But the very mention of â€Å"gold†expands beyond the forest to human commerce, to the symbolism of wealth and the philosophy of value. Then the second couplet seems to return to a more conventional poetic statement about the transience of life and beauty: â€Å"Her early leaf’s a flower;But only so an hour.†But immediately after that, we realize that Frost is playing with the multiple meanings of these simple, mostly single syllable words- else why would he repeat â€Å"leaf†like he’s ringing a bell? â€Å"Leaf†echoes with its many meanings- leaves of paper, leafing through a book, the color leaf green, leafing out as an action, as budding forth, time passing as the pages of the calendar turn... â€Å"Then leaf subsides to leaf.†From Naturalist to PhilosopherAs the Friends of Robert Frost at the Robert Frost Stone House Museum in Vermont point out, the description of colors in the first lines of this poem is a literal depiction of the spring budding of willow and maple trees, whose leaf buds appear very briefly as golden-colored before they mature to the green of actual leaves. Yet in the sixth line, Frost makes it explicit that his poem carries the double meaning of allegory: â€Å"So Eden sank to grief,So dawn goes down to day.†He is retelling the history of the world here, how the first sparkle of any new life, the first blush of the birth of mankind, the first golden light of any new day always fades, subsidies, sinks, goes down. â€Å"Nothing gold can stay.†Frost has been describing spring, but by speaking of Eden he brings fall, and the fall of man, to mind without even using the word. That’s why we chose to include this poem in our seasonal collection of poems for autumn rather than spring.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Homelessness Issue in the U.S Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Homelessness Issue in the U.S - Assignment Example What motivates me to support this cause of improving the lives of the individuals that are homeless is giving a smile to the people that were once hopeless in life. It is evident that homelessness has negative impacts on the society. One is that it may lead to increase in insecurity in an area. This is because the people who are homeless may indulge themselves in crime as they view themselves as unwanted in a society. The homeless also may involve themselves in the abuse of drugs and sell them to other locals. Statistics have shown that where people abuse drugs there is less production of the individuals which is not good for the economy. This means there will be fewer developments as few businesses will come up each year. What also motivates me to be involved in helping the homeless is because the shelter is a basic need to a human being. It is evident that the homeless people often are affected psychologically as they have no place they can call home. It limits their potential to standout and the courage to have families which form the bases to a society. Also, homeless people portray a bad image in a city when the tourists visit. This may make them feel insecure when they visit a city with too many homeless people. I also feel sorry for many homeless innocent individuals who are at times killed as they may be suspected to be thugs. This is inhuman as it has created fear among the homeless people. One of the goals I would want to achieve is to reduce the number of homeless people in America to at least 10 percent of the current statistics. Statistics have shown that about 600,000 Americans are homeless on a given night. A quarter of this people are children and a third of them live in unsheltered places like parks and abandoned buildings. The chronically homeless people are over 100,000 and three-quarters of them go unsheltered.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Ethical Decision Making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Ethical Decision Making - Assignment Example e Board of the basis of my decision so that such decision will not be questioned in the implementation that could aggrieved the family of Richard Adessi further. Such decision will be more beneficial for the company in the long run. Such decision will surely be known among employees and will also boost the morale of the employees in the company by witnessing how considerate IBM in taking care of its employees. This will result in higher retention and lower turnover. Employee satisfaction could also rise leading to higher productivity among employees. The difference in cost could easily be defrayed by the advantage and benefits that IBM will reap by having happy and satisfied employees. One does not have to be technical in rules to be ethical but has to consider the whole picture as well as the implication of the decision to come up with an ethical decision which in this case is to be considerate with Richard Agassi who died four months shy of his 30th anniversary with the
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Efficient Market Hypothesis and Behavioural Finance
Efficient Market Hypothesis and Behavioural Finance 1.1 Aim of Chapter This chapter aims to give an overview of the dissertation. To start with, general backgrounds concerning the efficient market hypothesis (EMH), behavioral finance and market anomalies are mentioned briefly in order to provide better understanding about the modern area of financial study. Then, two opposed concepts of investment strategies, Contrarian Strategies and Momentum Strategies, are addressed leading to the next section which mention the main purpose and summary of findings of this research. Lastly, the structure of the dissertation has been outlined at the end of the chapter. 1.2 Background of knowledge about efficient market hypothesis (EMH) The theory of market hypothesis (EMH) is one of the most crucial theories in standard finance that have been revised and tested over the past few decades to uncover its imperfection. This theory was introduced by Professor Eugene Fama in 1970. As defined in his article, the efficient market is the market where securities are priced, at any point of time, by accessible information. It is believed that the markets are extremely efficient that individual stocks and stock markets as a whole are fully reflected by all available information. When new information enters the market, stock prices incorporates the news and responds very quickly with our any delays; therefore security prices are the accurate source of data which can be used as signals in trading investment process. By examining the level of how relevant information reflects in security prices, Fama (1970) categorizes the market efficiency into three forms: weak, semi-strong and strong forms of EMH. However, this theory relies o n certain assumptions, for example, there is no transaction cost paid in trading securities and it is costless for all participants to gather information available in the markets. The weak form of EMH is the condition that exists when share prices are fully reflected by trading data such as past price (or return) histories. For that reason, investors cannot exploit mispriced securities and earn excess returns by using historical stock quotations or charts. Semi-strong form of EMH is the condition that exists when share prices incorporates market trading data and publicly available information. The examples of this type of information are announcements of annual earnings, stock splits, annual reports, analyst forecasts, etc. As a consequence, investors cannot exhibit gains by rely only on fundamental and macro-economics data. Strong form of EMH is the condition that exists when market prices of stocks adjusted according to every kind of accessible information. This includes hidden inside information which are known among specific group in the company (e.g. the top executives and group of operational managers) or some individuals that have monopolistic access to information (e.g. managements of mutual funds). Thus, abnormal profits cannot be generated by either using internal or external information of the company. In other words, both individual and professional investors cannot beat the market and earn excess returns in every way due to the perfect efficiency of the stock markets. As claimed by efficient market hypothesis, market will be efficient in weak form if the past and future returns are not correlated, in other words, they are independently and identically distributed. Thus this refers to the idea of the random walk model. However, Fama (1970) affirms in his literature that the test of random walk model leads to the evidence of weak-form EMH, but not vice versa. Burton (2003) identifies the definition of random walk in his paper that it is the state where the flow of information on specific day is incorporated in stock prices on that day only, not for the subsequent period. The news announced in the market is unpredictable, thus stock prices changes are displayed in a random pattern. As a consequence, uninformed investors are able to earn equal rate of returns as what achieved by professional investors if they long position in well-diversified portfolios. In his paper, Burton tries to examine the criticism of the efficient market hypothesis and the idea that stock prices can be predicted based on initial valuation parameters (e.g. price-earnings multiple or dividend yield). He uses time-series analyses of accounting numbers and multiples and comes up with the results revealing that the stocks market are efficient enough, but it is difficult to predict the share prices. Moreover, the findings also reveal that anomalous behavior of stock price s may exist, but investors cannot create portfolio trading opportunity and gains excess risk adjusted returns. Fama (1997) states in his study that there are many literatures concerning behavioral finance and market anomalies challenge the hypothesis of efficient market. The opposed idea suggests that stock prices slowly absorb information available, which can be denoted as the market inefficiency. 1.3 Behavioral Finance and Market Anomalies Behavioral finance is the new area of financial study concentrating on the psychology of market and its participants. This field of study has started to appear in many academic journals from 1990s. Shefrin (2002) publish a book regarding the behavioral finance trying to find and explain reason behind the behavior of investors, both professional and individual. The author suggests that investors, who are sometimes prone to commend mistakes and errors, tend to rely on their emotional and psychological forces, thus this causes many market anomalies, the state where there is inefficiency in stock markets, to take place. Two well-known papers of Berberis, Shleifer, and Vishny (1998) and Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Subramanyam (1997) proposed behavioral models to explain the conflicting theory of efficient market hypothesis. They reject the previous belief with the proposition that the behavioral biases (i.e. judgment bias) of investors cause the anomalies and knock down the old theory behind. They present the concepts of over-reaction and under-reaction which accommodates the existence of long-term excess returns. Berberis, Shleifer, and Vishny (1996) create a model based on cognitive psychology of two judgment biases: the representativeness bias and conservatism. In their study, the empirical findings of investors’ behaviors are divided into two main groups: one perceives that earnings are mean-reverting. Thus, stock prices show a delayed short-term response and under-react to change in earnings. Another group believes that firms’ earnings are trending which leads to the overreaction in stock prices. The earnings follow the random walk process; hence, this leads to reversal of long-term returns. Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Subramanyam (1997) have different views in conducting the behavioral models. They split the sample group of investors into two categories: informed and uninformed investors. They find that judgment biases are not found among the uninformed investors, but detected among the informed ones. Informed investors are the group of people that determine the stock prices. They are exposed to two kinds of behavioral biases: overconfidence and self-attribution biases. Overconfidence causes the overstatement in investors perception of their private stock prices signals, while self-attribution bias causes investors to underweight the public signals about the value of companies. Therefore, the circumstance of overreaction to private information and under-reaction to public information generates continuation of stock returns in the short run. Overreaction leads to the concept of contrarian investing, whereas underreaction induces the theory of momentum investing. 1.4 Investment Strategies 1.4.1 Contrarian Investing Contrarian investing is the strategy that aims to generate profits by investing in the direction that goes against the conventional investors. In normal condition, short-sighted investors, who overweight the recent trends of past stocks prices and use this information to predict future prices, engage in buying stocks with good performance in the past hoping that it will continue to perform well in the near future. However, contrarian investing focuses on the opposite direction. People who employ this strategy tend to buy the shares that others have given up on due to either their poor past performance or their miserable and unclear future prospect. They expect the market to react to the behavior of the crowd, so that they can exploit the mispricing of securities and earn abnormal returns. 1.4.2 Momentum Investing Momentum investing is the strategy that is the opposite of contrarian investing. People who employ this strategy seek for making profits by relying on the continuance of the past stock prices and trends in the market in an attempt to predict prospective prices in the future. It is believed that the good stocks with price increases and strong performance in the past will keep on outperforming and generate gains in the future, and vice versa for the poor stocks. Thus, momentum investing suggests investors to hold stocks that had high returns and sell those that had low returns (buy winners and sell losers). The detailed of these two investment strategies will be discussed in the next chapter which both strategies will be supported by existing empirical evidences from several renowned academic papers. 1.5 Purpose and Findings of the Research The purpose of this research is to examine the profitability of momentum strategies, which is one of the most debated investment strategies in financial study, in the UK stock market. This paper employs the prices and returns data of FTSE 100 composites – the top 100 biggest companies in London Stock Exchange – as a proxy of the whole UK stocks. The observation period lies between July 21, 2000 to July 21, 2010, which gives a total of 10 years period. Thus, the main contribution of this study is to comprehensively revise existing literatures and employ the more up-to-date the data set with the well-known procedure to test the existence of momentum investing and its profitability in the UK market. However, the findings reveal no evidence of momentum profitability in the observed time for UK stock market, which are inconsistent with the prior research conducted using the different sample periods. 1.6 Structure of the Dissertation The rest of the dissertation is organized as follows: Chapter two comments on the review of the literature regarding the momentum strategies and its criticism, including the opposed theory of contrarian investing. Academic papers concerning the momentum strategies are divided into categories regarding the region of data employed. We carefully asserted and analyzed each paper to find the gaps which are necessary to be concerned for further researches in the future. Then, chapter three gives an overview of data and methodology used in this research. Chapter four shows the summary statistics of data, empirical results and interpretations. Finally, last chapter provides a summary of the results, as well as the limitations of the study.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Ageism in the Workplace – Essay
FYS 1101-41 Intro to Social Justice and Diversity Ageism in the Workplace When it comes to age, the first thoughts that come to mind are the young, old, and in between. Through differentiating among the three, society has formed ageism. Ageism is a type of discrimination based on the stereotypes associated with age groups. Relating to judgments of lifestyles, personalities, and abilities based on age, ageism functions to strip individuals of their rights. It has been, and continues to be, a rising issue in the corporate world.Ageism can impact any individual, especially in the workplace, where individuals can be at a disadvantage for a variety of reasons. Considering the fact that this type of discrimination affects people of all ages, ageism is most easily discussed when divided into three groups: * Young age (16-24 years) * Middle age (25-49 years) * Older age (50- over State Pension Age) The ideas and beliefs of young adults are often discriminated against because societal norms h ave put forth the notion that their ideas are less important because they have less experience.Governments also manifest ageism by putting age requirements on job eligibility. For example, in Massachusetts, all teens under the age of 18 must complete a work permit application and obtain a work permit before starting a new job. The state has also put a limit on the number of hours permitted to work each week. With this restriction, society segregates old people from young people. Also, the idea that eighteen is the quintessential age to begin working is simply a fabricated standard based on the general behavior and maturity of 18 years olds.Even though it is not clearly visible, ageism is still present and is continuing to affect the working class. On the other hand, many jobs want to set a specific image, aiming to hire young and attractive employees to better appeal to customers. For example, the retail store, Abercrombie and Fitch specifically looks to hire young, attractive emplo yees who will represent the style found in the stores. Meanwhile younger age groups are sometimes paid less even though they are performing similar jobs to older age groups. Some employers take advantage of the fact that younger ge groups are inexperienced by paying them minimum wage and sometimes even less. As young adults are new to the workplace, they accept this type of treatment because of their need for money. In society today, younger aged people are becoming more and more independent and no longer want to rely on their parents for support. Sometimes the case is that parents do not want to support them. Because of this, they need all the money they can to survive. When applying for certain jobs, young adults can have all the necessary requirements that fit the job aside from the required age.Young adults may be as responsible and may value the desire for further advancement in their job as much as middle and older aged groups, yet they are automatically denied positions based on the simple number that is age. Young adults are just as, if not more, capable than their elders in that they are more energetic and physically strong, enabling them to work more hours and complete the task just as any of the other age groups. The bulk of the workforce falls under the middle-aged category.One’s professional peak is said to occur through their 30s and 40s. This being said, we can conclude that the middle age group is least affected by age discrimination. The stereotype is that they are more qualified for the job because they are more experienced, focused and ambitious towards their desired career while still being physically capable of benefiting the job. Within the age limits of this group, it can be said that gender also leads to ageism when women are perceived as becoming older workers at an earlier age than men.Society has created a norm that perceives the older age group as the weak and incompetent. In Older Employees: New Roles for Valued Resources, à ¢â‚¬Å"age stereotypes depict older people as frail and fragile, as having lost the vitality and energy necessary to make a full fledge commitment to their careers†(Rosen, B. , & Jerdee, T. , 1985). In the work field, managers assume that older employees are less motivated to improve their job skills compared to younger employees; therefore managers are less likely to hire them.On the contrary, many employers look to hire older people because they feel that older people are more experienced in the work place, which means that no additional training is necessary. Furthermore, employers rarely increase older people’s pay because they are less likely to switch careers. The younger groups have more opportunity to further their careers and hence, need motivation to stay loyal to their employer. Although there have been vast improvements in medicine and increases in life span, the elderly are considered to be frail and more apt to get injured or fall victim to illness.This id ea affects the working culture because this view towards older people has not changed, â€Å"This way of thinking-and acting- has been expressed in discriminatory practices such as (a) limiting or excluding older workers from substantive job responsibilities and activities, (b) removing older employees from the workforce through negative performance evaluations or through encouraging their retirement; (c) implementing insensitive, poorly conceived policies; (d) limiting older workers’ access to job-related education, career development opportunities, or employee benefits; and (e) refusing to hire or promote older workers†(Hedge J. Borman W. & Lammlein S, 2006). Generally, the idea is that â€Å"older people [are treated] less favorably than others, perhaps because of an idea that such people have outlived the useful part of their lives and that society should somehow allocate its resources to those that have something left to contribute. Older people may be segregate d and regarded as a burden or a drain on the resources of the community†, generating ageism to come into effect (Malcolm, 2007). Older workers face ageist attitudes and age discrimination. Ageism plays a harmful role in the workplace.Discrimination of age is illegal under both the Federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act. However, these laws are geared towards the elderly and offer no protection for young workers. The law of â€Å"The Age of Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967†protects individuals who are forty years of age or older from employment discrimination based on age. Not only is ageism evident in the workforce, but also it is also present in the government. There is no law whatsoever protecting young age groups. Some might say that these instances of unfairness occurring in the workplace seem acceptable.However, discriminating against someone based on how old and young they are is never justifiable. It is not ones age that determines their capability and qualifications but their competence. â€Å"Competence, not age, should determine whether a person should keep a job. To do otherwise, is to squander one of our nations most precious resources and to hasten the day of the end of those who are denied the experience that would keep them vitally and for a long time alive. †(Rosen, B. , & Jerdee, T. H. (1985). pg. 49) Age should not be a factor in the work force for many reasons.The young, the middle-aged, and the elderly all need their place in the job market. It is unfair to discriminate against those who are fully capable of completing the task efficiently entirely based on age. If employers continue to follow these trends, we will run into many problems. As the baby boom generation gets older, there will be an increase in the older working group. There is no way to prevent this and because baby boomers make up a large percentage of the population, it could create economi c issues if we don’t find ways to accommodate the needs of the elderly.Otherwise, we will have fewer workers and less wisdom to guide future generations. â€Å"The use of older workers can help organizations meet their growing and changing company objectives in a global economy while providing meaningful work rolls for middle-aged and older Americans. †(Hedge J. , Borman W. & Lammlein S, 2006). On the other side of the spectrum, young people are very valuable to the corporate world. We need the fresh ideas of young adults who are excited about starting new careers and motivated to advance their knowledge.It is also important that we encourage the independence of young people by trusting them to be responsible instead of doubting their abilities. Hedge, J. W. , Borman, W. C. , & Lammlein, S. E. (2006). The Aging workforce: realities, myths, and implications for organizations. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Rosen, B. , & Jerdee, T. H. (1985). Older employees: new roles for valued resources. USA: Dow Jones-Erwin. Sargeant, M. (2007). Age discrimination in employment. Retrieved from http://site. ebrary. com/lib/emmanuel/docDetail. action? docID=10209153
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