Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cosmetic Surgery As A Medical Tool - 2309 Words
Beauty, who doesn t want it? People have always wanted to look beautiful in other people eyes. Since the first day human being appeared on Earth, we’ve always wanted to change and improve our self-images; therefore, in early twentieth century, when the medication has reached high level in changing people s flaws by surgery, more and more people find plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery as the beauty tools. Today the number of people who seeking for plastic surgery has increased dramatically, despite the fact that besides all beauty benefits it bring back there are also negative impacts that people should also considered before deciding to do it. People first find cosmetic surgery as a medical tool to enhance their body and their appearance. According to Northrop, During and after World War II many people get injured and most parts of their bodies mutated into different kind of shape and size that many people find that not acceptable to appear in front of other people (22). Diana Zuckerman argues that people came to plastic surgery with a purpose to fix their flaws such as lips, noses, and ears correction. It would bring great benefits for people especially children because being able to fix those flaws at the young age is the best option due to the changing body and the wounds would heal faster than old people. She found it more acceptable than other types of plastic surgery (â€Å" Teen and Cosmetic Surgery â€Å"). Plastic surgery and cosmetic surgeryShow MoreRelatedSurgery And Cosmetic Surgery : Is It The Hippocratic Oath Or The Oath Of Maimonides? Essay1099 Words  | 5 PagesAll medical oath, be it the Hippocratic oath or the oath of Maimonides, share two principles; Beneficence and non-maleficence. Beneficence requires that medical practitioners act in the patient’s best interests. Non-maleficence ensures that medical practitioner never acts in a way that may harm a patient. Both of these principles give patients a promise of Pro fessionalism. 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